1. 体育器材的英语作文80词
Sports goods
Hello everyone,I'm very glad to help introce the sports goods.The first is basketball,basketball is a very interesting people team competition.The second thing is football,football is a team cooperation can we succeed.The third thing is table tennis,the sport skills are very important.The fourth thing that is baseball,the game was very is a test of enrance and perseverance
Well,today is here,I hope everyone can like sports.
Fine Sunday
2. 体育用品的英文
football足球 basketball篮球 playgound操场 table tennis 乒乓球 racket 球拍 table tennis racket乒乓球拍 horizontal双杠 volleyball排球 goal球门 badminton羽毛球 soccer(名词)足球
3. 体育器材的英文单词
Basketball(篮球) football(足球) tennis ball(网球) ping-pong ball(乒乓球) badminton(羽毛球)
4. 运动器材 单词(英文)
接力棒 baton 田径运动员 athlete
投掷圈 circle 田径场地 athletic field
限制圈 circle band 田径比赛 athletic meeting
起跳线 balkline 田径运动 athletics
跳高 high jump 三级跳远 hop step and jump
跳远 long jump 投掷项目 distance throw
标枪 javelin 标志旗 checkmark field
撑杆 pole (链球)链 hammer wire
铁饼 discus 踏板 beat the board
链球 hammer 非终点直道 back stretch
沙坑 pit 弯道 curve
体操 gymnastics 高低杠 asymmetrical bars
山羊 buck 平衡木 balance beam
高杠 high bar 平衡梯 balancing stairs
吊杠 hanging bar 体操凳 gym bench
吊环 hand ring
横杠 bar
蹦床 bounding table
双杠 parallel bars
鞍马 pommeled horse
踝扎 ankle strap
腰带 rubber belt
举重 weightlifting
杠铃 barbell
举重服 weightlifting suit
举重鞋 weightlifting shoe
举重手套 weightlifting glove
拉力器 wall pulley
组合哑铃 mb-bell sets
镀铬哑铃 chrome mbell
出发池端 starting edge of pool 仰泳 back stroke
(池)浅端 shallow end 蛙泳 breaststroker
池缘 deck edge 游泳帽 bathing cap
水线 lane line 游泳衣 bathing costume
池边 pool side 游泳池 swimming pool
池壁 pool wall 游泳馆 indoor pool
泳道 swimming lane 救生带 swimming belt
分道线 lane rope 救生棒 saving bar
标志线 markings 救生员 lifeguard
出发台 starting platform 救生圈 cork hoop
个人追逐赛 indivial race 弯道 curve
个人公路赛 indivial road race 圈 lap
室内赛车场 indoor cycle track 赛车场 track
团体追逐赛 team pursuit race 脚蹬 treadle
自行车竞赛 cycle racing
内圈跑道 inner track
号码牌 number plate
公开赛 open event
起点线 starting line
团体赛 team race
网球 tennis 水泥球场 cement court
拍面 blade of racket 中心布带 centre band
中线 centre service line 室内场地 covered court
拍柄 handle of racker 草地球场 grass court
网柱 pole 场外地区 out court
球面 surface of ball 木板场地 wooden court
网球衣 tennis togs
网球鞋 tennis shoes
发球区 service area
武术 Martial Arts 叉 fork
刀 broadsword 太极拳 hexagram boxing
飞功 chikung 钩 hook
棍 cudgel 剑 rapier
匕首 dagger 散打 free combat
双剑 double swords 盾 shield
拳法 fist position
花样滑冰 Figure Skating 冰场 ice arena
花样滑冰鞋 figure skate 滑区 skating area
半周、半圆 half-circle
冰上表演 ice show
射箭 archery
箭 arrow
箭筒 arrow carrier
箭袋 arrow case
靶垫 boss
弓 bow
蓝区 blue zone
靶 buttress
护胸 chestplate
弓弦 cord
冰球 Ice Hockey 球门区 crease
中区 centre ice 争球圈 face-off circle
中圈 centre ice circle 球门网 goal net
中线 centre line 裁判区 referee's crease
中区 centre zone 分区线 zone line
端区 end zone 冰球场 rink
中场 midfield 本方球员 own goal
中圈 kick-off circle
禁区 penalty zone
端线 goal line
球门区 goal area
球门柱 goal-post
球门网 goal net
球场 playing court 分位线 lane place line
篮球 basketball 罚球线 free throw line
边线 side line 罚球区 free throw lane
中线 center line 三分线 three point line
端线 end line 限制区 restricted area
界线 boundary line 位置区 lane place
前场 front court 中立区 neutral zone
中场 mid court 球队席 team bench
后场 back court 篮架支柱 basket post
中圈 centre circle 用过的球 used ball
篮圈 ring 本方球篮 own basket
篮网 net 对方球篮 opponet's basket
篮板 backboard 犯规次数牌 foul markers
球篮 basket 全队犯规标志team foul marker
篮架 basket support 替补队员席 substitude bench
开表 game clock 技术设备 technical equipment
停表 stop the clock 球队席区域 team bench areas
哨 whistle
球场面积 dimension of the court
三分投篮区 three-point field goal areas
排球场地volleyball court
一方场区 court
对方场区 opponent's court
发球区 service area
进攻线 attack line
裁判台 official's tribune
标志杆 vertical rod
端线 back line
后区 back zone
进攻区 attack zone
远台 back court 台的边缘 edge of table
中台 middle court 球台端线 front edge of table
近台 short court (球台)中区 centre zone
中线 center (球台)近网区 net zone
台角 corner of table 接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court
网柱 pole 接球员的右半区 receiver's right half court
全台 full court 底线区 goal zone
羽毛球 badminton 右发球区 right service court
发球区 half court 前发球场 short service line
左场区 left square 单打球场 singles court
右场区 right square 双打球场 doubles court
反手区 backhand court 双打发球线 doubles service line
中线 midcourt line 双打发球区 doubles service court
边线 side boundary 单打发球区 singles service court
端线 backcourt boundary 单双打边线之间地带 side alley
单双打两用球场 combination court
5. 体育器材用英语怎么说谢谢
Sporting Goods
Exercise Equipment
Exercise Machinery
6. 体育用具(英语)
体育用具:football 足球、basketball 篮球、playgound 操场、table tennis 乒乓球、swimming pool游泳池、shuttlecock羽毛球、racket 球拍、table tennis racket乒乓球拍、horizontal双杠、volleyball 排球、goal 球门。
英 [ˈfʊtbɔːl] 美 [ˈfʊtbɔːl]
英 [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl] 美 [ˈbæskɪtbɔːl]
英 [ˈʃʌtlkɒk] 美 [ˈʃʌtlkɑːk]
英 [ˈrækɪt] 美 [ˈrækɪt]
英 [ˈvɒlibɔːl] 美 [ˈvɑːlibɔːl]
7. 体育器材室用英语怎么说
Apparatus是器材的意思所以体育器材事就是apparatus room
8. 体育用品用英语怎么说
Sports goods
[体]gear; [体]sporting goods; [体]sports accessories; [体]sports equipment ;
Dusting the sheep diorama in a sporting goods shop
9. 体育用品及它们的英文名字
三轮滑板车3 Wheel Scooter ['sku:tə]
四人协力脚踏车4 Person Bicycles 成人脚踏车Alt Bicycle
有氧配件Aerobic [,eiə'rəubik] Accessories [ək'sesəri] 太空漫步机Air Walker
绑腿Ankle/Wrist Weights ['æŋkl] (脚腕/手腕沙袋) 止滑皮Antiskid Leather
运动员辅助训练器材Athletic Training Procts 羽毛球Badminton 羽毛球网Badminton Nets
羽毛球拍Badminton Racket ['rækit] 沙包手套Bag Gloves 手提包Bags
海滩球Beach Ball
美容按摩器Beauty Massagers
台球Billiard ['biljəd]
台球杆Billiard Cue
台球配件Billiards Accessories 台球附件Billiards Accessories 身体按摩器Body Massagers 拳击手套Boxing Glove 护胸Chest Protector 计时器Countdown Meter 护肘Elbow Pad
电动自行车Electric Bicycle
电动跑步机Electrical Treadmills
赛马头盔EQUESTRIAN HELMET [i'kwestriən] 运动Exercise
健身踏车Exercise Bikes
运动健身器材Exercisers 脸部按摩器Face Roll Massagers
流行精品Fashion Procts 钓鱼手套Fishing Gloves 钓具卷线器Fishing Reels 钓竿Fishing Rods 瘦身Fitness
健身器材Fitness Equipment 折叠式脚踏车Folding Bicycle
足部按摩器Foot Massage 绑腿加重器Foot-Wrist Wieght
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足球手套Goalie Gloves ['ɡəuli] 体操席子Gym Mat
体育Gymnastics [dʒim'næstiks] 马具叠板Harness Packs ['hɑ:nis] 护头Head Guard 头带Headband 健康器材Health
多功能/热源按摩枕Heater Massage Pillow
家庭体育馆Home Gym 骑马机Horse Riders 打猎手套Hunting Gloves 直排轮鞋In-Line Slates 直排轮Inline
跳绳Jumping Rope
空手道Karate [kə'rɑ:te] 踢靶Kicking Target
颈部揉捏器Kneading Massager 护膝Knee Pad
橡胶管Latex Tube ['leiteks]
闲暇Leisure ['leʒə]
武术训练用具Martial Art Training Equipments ['mɑ:ʃəl] 按摩棒Massage Bar 按摩床Massage Bed
按摩床垫Massage Bed Cushion ['kuʃən] 按摩椅Massage Chair
按摩靠垫Massage Cushions 按摩器材Massage Equipment
震动按摩器Massager Vibrator [vai'breitə] 按摩器Massagers
按摩发梳Massaging Hair Brush 按摩椅垫Massaging Mat 药球Medicine Ball
军校指挥刀Military School Sword 迷你按摩器Mini Massagers 滑板车Mini Scooter ['sku:tə]
登山运动器材Mountain Climbing Sports Equipments
NBA球员卡NBA Basketball Cards 新型户外椅New Style Outdoor Chair 步数计Pedometer [pi'dɔmitə] 护具Protection
打击球组Punching Ball Set 训练击板Punching Target
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四驱车Quad Bike [kwɔd] 球拍Racket 球拍袋Racket Bag 溜冰鞋Rollor Skate 划船机Rowing Machines
安全帽Safety ( Safe, Securities) Helmets 安全带Safety Belt 围巾Scarf [skɑ:f] 踏板车Scooter ['sku:tə] 计分板Score Board
肩膀按摩器Shoulder Massagers 仰卧起坐床Sit Up Bench 台球杆Snooker Cue 足球网Soccer Goal Nets 脚底按摩器Sole Massagers 运动护腕Sport Wristband 运动器材Sporting
运动用品零件Sporting Good Parts 运动用品Sporting Goods 运动用手套Sports Gloves 运动太阳镜Sports Sunglasses 壁球Squash [skwɔʃ, skwɔ:ʃ] 壁拍Squash Racket 踏步机Steppers
遮阳帽Sun Visor ['vaizə] 冲浪皮带Surfboard Bag 太极剑Tai Chi Sword 网球Tennis
网球网Tennis Nets 网球拍Tennis Racket
田径器材Track & Field Equipment 打击手套Training Gloves 跳床Trampoline ['træmpəli:n, -lin] 三脚架Triangles And Cue Racks
十八般武术用品Various Martial Arts Accessories 排球Volleyball 排球网Volleyball Nets 漫步机Walkers
举重床Weight Bench
西洋剑Western Sword
冬季运动用品Winter Sport Goods 背骨伸展Wood Back Relaxer 木质按摩器Wooden Massagers 木笔装球杆Wooden Pens
10. 那里有很多体育器材用英语
1. My Family And My House
My family is small, they are my father, my mother, my younger brother and me. My mother is tall and thin but my father is fat very much. My younger brother is naught and I am well-beavd. My house is big, there are three bedrooms, a bathrooom, a kichen and a livingroom.
I love my family and my house.
2. I like sprots very much. I allways get to school
sprots center doing sprots everyday. Because there are
many sprot equipment, like basketball, football, table tennis
baseball, tennis, volleyball. There is very beautiful,and very big. I like there very much. I hope you jion it,
it's interesting very much.