① 学校的运动器材被损坏英语作文
Although it is autumn,all the students in Huaying Senior High School are so excited.Because we will hold a great sport meet. All of our athletes were the best,I believe.The athletic meeting will be held in next Tuesday.
At that time,sports meet set many kinds of events,including field events and track events.The ground float a spirit.So many students breaken the records of our school.The weather was cold but no one had felt.We were in happy!
Not a long time,sports meet will lower the curtain.It leaf me a memorable memory.I will join the next time!
② 体育器材维修,我买了件体育器材体育器材坏了去那维修一下啊
③ 健身器材坏了,哪里有维修
④ 自己经常在淘宝上面买运动器材,很好奇有的运动器材买来用坏了,退掉而且还包运费险
⑤ 健身器坏了怎么写警示牌
⑥ 健身器材损坏,怎么维修
⑦ 家里的运动器材不要了该怎么处理
⑧ 假如你是李华,写信给校长说操场上运动器材坏了
Dear principal,
I would like to inform you of the situation of the school computer room. The followings are my feedbacks.
1 not enough computers for the student population
2 some key boards, and mouse are broken
3 software are out of date
4 the opening hour is too short
With e respect to your position, i hope to see some improvement can be made to the computer room
Your obedient student,
⑨ 家里的运动器材不要了该怎么处理。
没有运动器材可以利用台阶 沙发(坚固点- -)等来做运动的 可以将前脚掌掂在台阶或低一些的家具上 上下掂脚尖 可以锻炼小腿肌肉 提高弹跳力也可以做俯卧撑的 可以按正常的做 也可以把脚掂在适当高度的家具上做还可以做仰卧起坐啊 这个就不用说了 只要能躺的地方都能做其实这要看你对运动的掌握的灵活程度 其实要仔细看去 身边的每件小东西差不多都能被运用只要肯动脑子 运动就在身边 随时随地都能运动
⑩ 篮球专项跟思修结合上课遇到器材坏了该怎么办一些突发状况,体育精神