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发布时间:2022-06-29 06:43:34

『壹』 我是菜鸟,请问各种健身器材用英语怎么说


Atreadmillis a device generally for walking or running or climbing while staying in the same place. 跑步机通常是在原地行走、跑步或攀爬的设备

2、Exercise bike:健身脚踏车。

Exercise bike(as known as stationary bicycle,exercise bicycle or spinning bike)健身脚踏车(也称为固定自行车、健身自行车或动感单车)。

3、Leg press machine:腿压机。

Theleg pressis a weight training excercisein which the indivial pusha weight or resistance away by them using their legs. 腿压机是一种重量训练运动,在这种运动中,个人用腿把重量或阻力推开。

4、Bench press:仰卧推举。

Bench Pressis a full body, compound exercise. You can get yourchest, shoulders and triceps trained. 仰卧推举是一种全身综合锻炼。你的胸部、肩膀和三头肌能得到锻炼。


Thembbellis a piece of equipment used in weight training.It can be used indivially or in pairs, with one in each hand.哑铃是一种用于举重训练的器械。它可以单独使用,也可以成对使用,每只手拿一个。

6、Rowing machine:划船器。

Arowing machineis essentially a piece of exerciseequipmentthat mimics the motion ofrowinga boat in water.赛艇机本质上是一种模拟水中划船运动的运动器材。

『贰』 健身器材的英文怎么写

中 文: 健身器材
English: Fitness Equipment

『叁』 体育器材用英语怎么说谢谢

Sporting Goods
Exercise Equipment
Exercise Machinery

『肆』 这里有很多运动器材英语

1.This book is so interesting that all the students like it.
2.I like sports very much.
3.I do sports in the school sports center every day.There are many sports facilities in it.



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