導航:首頁 > 軸承鑄造 > 體育器材辦公室英語怎麼說


發布時間:2024-12-07 02:37:55

1. 怎樣把下列名稱譯成英語:

校長辦公室Headmaster office
教導主任辦公室Instruct the director office
勞動器材室Work equipment room
體育器材室Physical culture equipment room
少年兒童科學活動室Juvenile children science activity room
圖書室Books room
音樂室Music room
小草在休息The small grass is having a rest
請勿打擾We should please don't disturb
春天在你身邊Spring with you

2. 體育器材室用英語怎麼說

Apparatus是器材的意思所以體育器材事就是apparatus room

3. 學校的班牌、門牌 翻譯 准確點


Pre-school, natural classrooms, library, bathrooms, male/female toilets, control room, boiler room, kitchen, restaurants, radio room, sports equipment rooms, music classrooms, computer classrooms, office我自己翻的,暈~

4. 麻煩會英語的幫忙翻譯一下:1、體育器材室 2、團隊室

Sports equipment room

Team Room 這樣翻譯也可以 你那個也是對的

5. 求翻譯小學各種功能的教室 英語謝謝><緊急!!!

Secretary office,書記室
School office,校辦公室
Reception room,接待室
teacher training office,師訓處
meeting room,小會議室
conference room,大會議室
House of Ecation Workers,教工之家
Party member activity Room,黨員活動室
The Young Pioneers office,少先隊辦公室
Young Pioneers team room,少先隊隊室
finance office,財務室
counseling office,心理咨詢室
Sending and receiving room,收發室
Communication room,傳達室
comprehensive management office,綜合治理辦公室
union office,工會辦公室
power distribution room,配電房
Technology activity Room,科技活動室
teacher workshops,名師工作室
teaching and research activity room,教研活動室
program-controlled room,程式控制室
radio room,廣播室
equipment control room,設備控制室
teacher offices,教師辦公室
canteen management office,食堂管理辦公室
male locker room,男更衣室
female locker rooms,女更衣室
storage rooms,儲藏室
file rooms,檔案室

Labor and technology classrooms,勞技教室
Elementary school labor Skills science and technology studio, 小學勞技科學製作室
naturalistic inquiry lab,自然探究實驗室
digital lab natural,自然數字實驗室
biological observation room,生物觀察室
computer art room,計算機美術教室
music room,音樂教室
astronomical observation room,天文觀察室
artificial intelligence lab, art classroom,人工智慧實驗室 art sculpture,美術教室
stone carving workshops,美術雕塑篆刻創作室
calligraphy classes,書法教室
strength training room,力量訓練房
physical training room,形體訓練房
stacks room,書庫
periodicals reading room,期刊閱覽室
student reading room, 學生圖書閱覽室
teacher reading room ,教師圖書閱覽室
Class in the classroom 合班教室
Lecture Hall,報告廳
Labor and technology teaching aids room,勞技教具室
Specimen preparation equipment room,儀器標本准備室
Instrument room,樂器室
Music teaching aid room,音樂教具室
Art teaching aids room,美術教具室
Calligraphy teaching aids room,書法教具室
Information preparation room,信息准備室
Sports activity room 體育活動室
Sports equipment room 體育器材室



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