導航:首頁 > 防爆電器 > 燃氣鍋爐房的電氣防爆設計摘要


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❶ 燃氣鍋爐房電氣必須防爆嗎


❷ 鍋爐房防爆窗規范

摘要 由於國家對環保要求的不斷提高,以天然氣作為鍋爐燃料的燃氣鍋爐,已成為目前的普遍選擇,由於燃氣泄漏容易發生爆炸等危險,為了保證其在使用期間的安全,國家規定鍋爐房必須要符合燃氣鍋爐房防爆要求規范。

❸ 鍋爐房設計規范gb50041-2020

《鍋爐房設計標准》GB50041-2020,自2020年7 月1日起實施,原國家標准《鍋爐房設計規范》GB 50041-2008 同時廢止。

❹ 燃氣鍋爐房鍋爐間電氣設備要求防爆嗎


❺ 鍋爐房防火防爆措施主要有哪些


❻ 燃氣鍋爐房設計規范


2、住宅建築物內,不宜設置鍋爐房。鍋爐房出入口的設置必須符合下列規定:出入口不應少於2個, 但對獨立鍋爐房,當爐前走道總長度小於12m,且總建築面積小於200平方米時,其出入口可設1個;非獨立鍋爐房,其人員出入口必須有1個直通室外。



5、鍋爐房的外牆、樓地面或屋頂,應有相應的防爆措施,並應有相當於鍋爐間佔地面積10%的泄壓面積, 泄壓方向不得朝向人員聚集的場所、房間和人行通道, 泄壓處也不得與這些地方相鄰。

❼ 求一位大俠幫忙把論文翻譯成英文~100分 謝謝 燃氣鍋爐房的電氣防爆設計 摘 要:通過分析燃氣鍋爐房事故原

2 accident reason analysis

Analysis of gas boiler room the cause of the accident, there are two possible: boiler ontology explosion, boiler room to explode gas explosion concentration and explosions.

Boiler blast furnace body, because be in, or flue gas mixture in explosive existence, when achieved by fire or explosion limit, boiler heat ignites causing accidents in itself. This point and the national norm of building fire system that conform to the relevant provisions. The actual current boiler proct has considered safe proction measures to avoid it. Qualified gas boiler itself has the explosion-proof process design, such as burner in abnormal situation automatic stop, self-control device also stop output fuel, Gas boiler combustion system higher automatization, including the gas pressure is high, low limit alarm protection, when the control logic where step does not meet the conditions set start corresponding interlock protection.

Avoid the boiler exploded possibility, but still ontology exist above another possibility, can avoid? How to avoid it?

Three measures

In fact in design, according to the boiler design code "and" automatic fire alarm system design code "GB50116-1998 etc standard, we have taken the following measures:

Natural gas pipelines valves, meter, may occur gas leak place, boiler room may proce gas storage proct area [relative density 0.8, it is to be in commonly roof area in these areas], all equipped with combustible gas concentration measurement alarm device, according to combustible gas concentration situation give out sound and light alarm signal and start exhaust fan, when leakage accident concentrations reach explosion limit of the lower limit 50% [this value for reference only], but also immediately close natural air intake ct total intake solenoid valves.

In the boiler room and a natural gas pipeline in and out of the room, the incident, but also with the smoke exhaust fan combustible gas alarm interlocking (start).

Electrical, instrument by cable selection TongXin, not less than 1.5 mm2 minimum section.

Gas radiation tube tube top or the nearby, the lightning rod should be installed above the pipe jacking tip should be not less than 3m, and its scope of protection tube top above not less than 1-m.

Gas pipeline should be static grounding device that, when pipeline as metal materials, and lightning protection or electrical engineering protective grounding wire connected, the measured resistance R more than 4 Ω. In pipe joints, such as the bend, flange, valve and pipe with good place cannot metal contact, also with metal soft line will be both ends jumper.

In the boiler room and a natural gas pipeline in and out of the room door, window take pressure measures.

According to the explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design specification "the laws 2.2.2 bar, accord with one of the following conditions may, when the explosion danger area: devin in item 3, in the process of proction use fire equipment near, A combination of these several measures can clearly, electrical equipment selection for the explosion.

At the same time according to the explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design specification "the laws 2.2.2 bar, accord with one of the following conditions may, when the explosion danger area devin: the first 2 items, and the highest possible flammable explosive chroma does not exceed 10% of the lower limit, Close air intake ct natural total intake solenoid valves, concentration exceed 10% of the lower limit explosion limit, boiler room near the roof area are gas storage proct area, so lighting lamps and lanterns and switch choosing is explosion-proof type.

4 conclusion

In gas boiler room electrical design, lighting choose explosion-proof lamps, other part adopts the explosion-proof type.


[1] boiler design standard. GB50041-1992.

[2] explosion and fire dangerous environment electrical device design standard. GB50058-1992.

[3] the code for fire protection design of buildings. GB50016-2006.

[4] automatic fire alarm system design standard. GB50116-1998.

❽ 燃氣鍋爐房 是不是防暴區

GB50016 第3/3/12說明在有明火的設備附近不劃分為防爆區。城鎮燃氣規范也規定鍋版爐房為丁類權,不劃分防爆區。GB50058第2。2.2也有此規定。因為在這些區域光一個電氣防爆沒有意義,你都有明火了還用得著電氣那點小火花來點燃?所以,一般不劃分為防爆區,但裝備氣體報警,防爆事故通風設施(事故通風要防爆是因為事故是濃度是已達到爆炸極限)。

❾ 跪求一位大俠幫我把一篇論文轉化成英文的~~謝謝~~100分

Fuel gas boiler room electrical explosion-proof design abstract: Through the analysis fuel gas boiler room accident cause factor, as well as to the standard the understanding analysis, has carried on the explicit elaboration to the boiler room electricity explosion-proof design. Key word: Fuel gas; Boiler room; Explosion-proof; Flammable gas density examination foreword Because the fuel gas boiler room superiority and so on its inherent environmental protection are promoting, especially is procing is mad the rich area, massive newly built and the transformation fuel gas boiler room project starts in abundance. However the electrical explosion-proof part explicit design article, the regional designers have not known and the procere are different, the following elaborated that to the standard the understanding, the difficult dispute question which and the solution in the exchange discussion design practice exists, refers for the fellow colleagues. 1 explosion hazard regionalism acts according to GB code "Boiler room Design Standard" GB50041-1992, in electrical part 13.2.2nd: The fuel oil accent presses, between the fuel oil pump house, the powdered coal preparation, the coal breaker and transports the coal corridor and so on to have detonation and the fire risk place rank division, must conform to the present national standards "Detonation And Fire risk Environment Power installation Design Standard" concerned requirements. Xinjiang Korla area natural gas relative density: 0.8, refer to "Detonation And Fire risk Environment Power installation Design Standard" GB50058-1992, the 2.3.1st note 2: The relative density is bigger than 0.75 fire damp stipulation for again in the air gas; Refers to the 2.3.4th explosion hazard regionalism, in seals up in the building to ventilate the bad process units area, [possibly namely the boiler room, the measurement and has in the room which the natural air line passes in and out is 1 area refers to when normal operation presents fire damp mixture environment]. According to "Architectural design Fire protection Standard" GB50016-2006, 3.1.1st, the boiler room is takes the fuel using the natural gas, carries on proction which the combustion makes other to use, belongs to the Ding kind of proction fire hazard, simultaneously rests on the 3.1.1st 4 article explanation②, 「Ding kind」 the 2nd item: Although using the gas, the fuel or the solid carries on the combustion for the fuel, is the open fire proction, but in the fixed equipment internal combustion, is not easy to create the fire. Although also has some explosion accident, but belongs to the physical property to explode generally, like boiler room, lime-roasting, blast furnace workshop and so on proction. The above two standard contrasts see, the open fire proction's boiler room, in the actual movement, divided into 1 area already not to have the too big significance. However, now in the enterprise, for instance the oil gas proction pursue essence security, is through pursues in its flow the human, the thing, the system, the system and so on various essential factor security reliable harmonious unification, causes each kind of harm factor to be at throughout the control state, then draws close graally the essence, the permanent security goal. How then to carry on the electrical design? 2 accident cause factors analyze the fuel gas boiler room accident's reason, has two kind of possibilities: The boiler proper explodes, the boiler room fire damp to achieve the explosion ratio to have the detonation. The boiler proper explodes, is because has the explosivity gaseous mixture existence in the chamber or the flue, when achieves the explosive limit, creates the accident by the open fire or boiler's high temperature ignition. This point is related the article showing match case with "Architectural design Fire protection Standard". The actual present boiler proct had already considered the safety in proction measure avoids. The qualified gas-fired boiler itself has the explosion-proof technological design, like the burner in the unusual circumstance auto-stop, the automatic control installment also stops the output fuel; The gas-fired boiler combustion system automaticity was high, includes the fuel gas pressure to be high, lower limit warning protection and so on, when controlled which step logical judgement didn't satisfy the hypothesis condition, start corresponding interconnection protection. Avoided the boiler proper exploding the possibility, but still had the above other one kind of possibility, whether to avoid? How to avoid?

❿ 鍋爐房對電氣專業有什麼要求




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