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1. 請哪位高手提供防雷專業英語詞彙,非常感謝!

(Air-termination system)
(Down-conctor system)
(Earth-termination system)
(Earth electrode)
(Earth conctor)
(Lightning protection system,LPS)
(Direct lightning flash)
(Lightning inction)
(Electrostatic inction)
(Electromanetic inction)
(Lightning Surge on incoming Services)
(Information system)
(Downward flash)
(Upward flash)
(Lightning stroke)
(Short stroke)
(Long stroke)
(Point of strike)
(Lightning current)
(Specific energy)
(Lightning electromagnetic impulse,LEMP)
(Lightning protection zone,LPZ)
(Equipotential bonding,bonding)
(Bonding bar)
(Bonding conctor)
(Bonding network)
(Common earthing system)
(Earthing reference point,ERP)
(Surge protective device,SPD)
(Maximum continuous operating voltage)
(Nominal discharge current)
(Impulse current)
(Maximum discharge current Imax for class II test)
(Calss I tests)
(Calss I tests)
(Combination wave)
(Calss III tests)
(Voltage switching type SPD)
(Voltage limiting type SPD)
(Combination type SPD)

2. 配電櫃防雷裝置在圖紙上是什麼字母

Arr這是一般用的英文縮寫 arrester這是全稱

3. 電路圖軟體的英文符號


電流表 PA
電壓表 PV
有功電度表 PJ
無功電度表 PJR
頻率表 PF
相位表 PPA
最大需量表(負荷監控儀) PM
功率因數表 PPF
有功功率表 PW
無功功率表 PR
無功電流表 PAR

聲信號 HA
光信號 HS
指示燈 HL
紅色燈 HR
綠色燈 HG
黃色燈 HY
藍色燈 HB
白色燈 HW

連接片 XB
插頭 XP
插座 XS
端子板 XT
電線,電纜,母線 W
直流母線 WB
插接式(饋電)母線 WIB
電力分支線 WP
照明分支線 WL
應急照明分支線 WE
電力干線 WPM
照明干線 WLM
應急照明干線 WEM
滑觸線 WT
合閘小母線 WCL
控制小母線 WC
信號小母線 WS
閃光小母線 WF
事故音響小母線 WFS
預告音響小母線 WPS
電壓小母線 WV
事故照明小母線 WELM
避雷器 F
熔斷器 FU
快速熔斷器 FTF
跌落式熔斷器 FF
限壓保護器件 FV
電容器 C
電力電容器 CE
正轉按鈕 SBF
反轉按鈕 SBR
停止按鈕 SBS
緊急按鈕 SBE
試驗按鈕 SBT
復位按鈕 SR
限位開關 SQ
接近開關 SQP
手動控制開關 SH
時間控制開關 SK
液位控制開關 SL
濕度控制開關 SM
壓力控制開關 SP
速度控制開關 SS
溫度控制開關,輔助開關 ST
電壓表切換開關 SV
電流表切換開關 SA

整流器 U
可控硅整流器 UR
控制電路有電源的整流器 VC
變頻器 UF
變流器 UC
逆變器 UI

電動機 M
非同步電動機 MA
同步電動機 MS
直流電動機 MD
繞線轉子感應電動機 MW
鼠籠型電動機 MC

電動閥 YM
電磁閥 YV
防火閥 YF
排煙閥 YS
電磁鎖 YL
跳閘線圈 YT
合閘線圈 YC
氣動執行器 YPA,YA
電動執行器 YE

發熱器件(電加熱) FH
照明燈(發光器件) EL
空氣調節器 EV
電加熱器加熱元件 EE
感應線圈,電抗器 L
勵磁線圈 LF
消弧線圈 LA
濾波電容器 LL
電阻器,變阻器 R
電位器 RP
熱敏電阻 RT
光敏電阻 RL
壓敏電阻 RPS
接地電阻 RG
放電電阻 RD
啟動變阻器 RS
頻敏變阻器 RF
限流電阻器 RC

光電池,熱電感測器 B
壓力變換器 BP
溫度變換器 BT
速度變換器 BV
時間測量感測器 BT1,BK
液位測量感測器 BL
溫度測量感測器 BH,BM

輔助文 名 稱
A 電流
A 模擬
A 交流

ACC 加速
ADD 附加
ADJ 可調
AUX 輔助
ASY 非同步
BRK 制動

BK 黑
BL 藍
BW 向後
C 控制
CW 順時針
CCW 逆時針
D 延時(延遲)
D 差動
D 數字
D 降
DC 直流
E 接地
EM 緊急
F 快速
FB 反饋
FW 正,向前
GN 綠
H 高
IN 輸入
IND 感應
L 左
L 限制
L 低
LA 閉鎖
M 主
M 中
M 中間線
MAN 手動

N 中性線
OFF 斷開
ON 接通(閉合)
OUT 輸出
P 壓力
P 保護
PE 保護接地
PEN 保護接地與中性線共用
PU 不接地保護
R 記錄
R 右
R 反
RD 紅色
RST 復位
RES 備用
RUN 運轉
S 信號
ST 啟動
SET 置位、定位
SAT 飽和
STE 步進
STP 停止
SYN 同步
T 溫度
T 時間
TE 無噪音(防干擾)接地
V 真空
V 速度
V 電壓
WH 白
YE 黃

序號 元件名稱 新符號 舊符號
1 繼電器 K J
2 電流繼電器 KA LJ
3 負序電流繼電器 KAN FLJ
4 零序電流繼電器 KAZ LLJ
5 電壓繼電器 KV YJ
6 正序電壓繼電器 KVP ZYJ
7 負序電壓繼電器 KVN FYJ
8 零序電壓繼電器 KVZ LYJ
9 時間繼電器 KT SJ
10 功率繼電器 KP GJ
11 差動繼電器 KD CJ
12 信號繼電器 KS XJ
13 信號沖擊繼電器 KAI XMJ
14 繼電器 KC ZJ
15 熱繼電器 KR RJ
16 阻抗繼電器 KI ZKJ
17 溫度繼電器 KTP WJ
18 瓦斯繼電器 KG WSJ
19 合閘繼電器 KCR或KON HJ
20 跳閘繼電器 KTR TJ
21 合閘 繼電器 KCP HWJ
22 跳閘 繼電器 KTP TWJ
23 電源監視繼電器 KVS JJ
24 壓力監視繼電器 KVP YJJ
25 電壓 繼電器 KVM YZJ
26 事故信號 繼電器 KCA SXJ
27 繼電保護跳閘出口繼電器 KOU BCJ
28 手動合閘繼電器 KCRM SHJ
29 手動跳閘繼電器 KTPM STJ
30 加速繼電器 KAC或KCL JSJ
31 復歸繼電器 KPE FJ
32 閉鎖繼電器 KLA或KCB BSJ
33 同期檢查繼電器 KSY TJJ
34 自動准同期裝置 ASA ZZQ
35 自動重合閘裝置 ARE ZCJ
36 自動勵磁調節裝置 AVR或AAVR ZTL
37 備用電源自動投入裝置 AATS或RSAD BZT
38 按扭 SB AN
39 合閘按扭 SBC HA
40 跳閘按扭 SBT TA
41 復歸按扭 SBre或SBR FA
42 試驗按扭 SBte YA
43 緊急停機按扭 SBes JTA
44 起動按扭 SBst QA
45 自保持按扭 SBhs BA
46 停止按扭 SBss
47 控制開關 SAC KK
48 轉換開關 SAH或SA ZK
49 測量轉換開關 SAM CK
50 同期轉換開關 SAS TK
51 自動同期轉換開關 2SASC DTK
52 手動同期轉換開關 1SASC STK
53 自同期轉換開關 SSA2 ZTK
54 自動開關 QA
55 刀開關 QK或SN DK
56 熔斷器 FU RD
57 快速熔斷器 FUhs RDS
58 閉鎖開關 SAL BK
59 信號燈 HL XD
60 光字牌 HL或HP GP
61 警鈴 HAB或HA JL
62 合閘接觸器 KMC HC
63 接觸器 KM C
64 合閘線圈 Yon或LC HQ
65 跳閘線圈 Yoff或LT TQ
66 插座 XS
67 插頭 XP
68 端子排 XT
69 測試端子 XE
70 連接片 XB LP
71 蓄電池 GB XDC
72 壓力變送器 BP YB
73 溫度變送器 BT WDB
74 電鍾 PT
75 電流表 PA
76 電壓表 PV
77 電度表 PJ
78 有功功率表 PPA
79 無功功率表 PPR
80 同期表 S
81 頻率表 PF
82 電容器 C
83 滅磁電阻 RFS或Rfd Rmc
84 分流器 RW
85 熱電阻 RT
86 電位器 RP
87 電感(電抗)線圈 L
88 電流互感器 TA CT或LH
89 電壓互感器 TV PT或YH
10KV電壓互感器 TV SYH
35KV電壓互感器 TV UYH
110KV電壓互感器 TV YYH
90 斷路器 QF DL
91 隔離開關 QS G
92 電力變壓器 TM B
93 同步發電機 GS TF
94 交流電動機 MA JD
95 直流電動機 MD ZD
96 電壓互感器二次迴路小母線
97 同期電壓小母線(待並) WST或WVB TQMa,TQMb
98 同期電壓小母線(運行) WOS`或WVBn TQM`a,TQM`b
99 准同期合閘小母線 1WSC,2WSC,3WSC
100 控制電源小母線 +WC,-WC +KM,-KM
101 信號電源小母線 +WS,-WS +XM,-XM
102 合閘電源小母線 +WON,-WON +HM,-HM
103 事故信號小母線 WFA SYM
104 零序電壓小母線 WVBz
電流表 PA
電壓表 PV
有功電度表 PJ
無功電度表 PJR
頻率表 PF
相位表 PPA
最大需量表(負荷監控儀) PM
功率因數表 PPF
有功功率表 PW
無功功率表 PR
無功電流表 PAR

聲信號 HA
光信號 HS
指示燈 HL
紅色燈 HR
綠色燈 HG
黃色燈 HY
藍色燈 HB
白色燈 HW

連接片 XB
插頭 XP
插座 XS
端子板 XT
電線,電纜,母線 W
直流母線 WB
插接式(饋電)母線 WIB
電力分支線 WP
照明分支線 WL
應急照明分支線 WE
電力干線 WPM
照明干線 WLM
應急照明干線 WEM
滑觸線 WT
合閘小母線 WCL
控制小母線 WC
信號小母線 WS
閃光小母線 WF
事故音響小母線 WFS
預告音響小母線 WPS
電壓小母線 WV
事故照明小母線 WELM
避雷器 F
熔斷器 FU
快速熔斷器 FTF
跌落式熔斷器 FF
限壓保護器件 FV
電容器 C
電力電容器 CE
正轉按鈕 SBF
反轉按鈕 SBR
停止按鈕 SBS
緊急按鈕 SBE
試驗按鈕 SBT
復位按鈕 SR
限位開關 SQ
接近開關 SQP
手動控制開關 SH
時間控制開關 SK
液位控制開關 SL
濕度控制開關 SM
壓力控制開關 SP
速度控制開關 SS
溫度控制開關,輔助開關 ST
電壓表切換開關 SV
電流表切換開關 SA

整流器 U
可控硅整流器 UR
控制電路有電源的整流器 VC
變頻器 UF
變流器 UC
逆變器 UI

電動機 M
非同步電動機 MA
同步電動機 MS
直流電動機 MD
繞線轉子感應電動機 MW
鼠籠型電動機 MC

電動閥 YM
電磁閥 YV
防火閥 YF
排煙閥 YS
電磁鎖 YL
跳閘線圈 YT
合閘線圈 YC
氣動執行器 YPA,YA
電動執行器 YE

發熱器件(電加熱) FH
照明燈(發光器件) EL
空氣調節器 EV
電加熱器加熱元件 EE
感應線圈,電抗器 L
勵磁線圈 LF
消弧線圈 LA
濾波電容器 LL
電阻器,變阻器 R
電位器 RP
熱敏電阻 RT
光敏電阻 RL
壓敏電阻 RPS
接地電阻 RG
放電電阻 RD
啟動變阻器 RS
頻敏變阻器 RF
限流電阻器 RC

光電池,熱電感測器 B
壓力變換器 BP
溫度變換器 BT
速度變換器 BV
時間測量感測器 BT1,BK
液位測量感測器 BL
溫度測量感測器 BH,BM

4. 求一關於「接地防雷方面」的英文文獻最好外帶翻譯的~~

A research on the specification to the lightning rob on high speed vessel
<<大連海事大學學報 >>2000年04期
LIN Cheng-yuan , FAN Xiang-ping , ZHENG Yi-fan , 林澄淵 , 范湘平 , 鄭一凡

In order to cater to the need of the alnico high speed vessel's lightning evading, the authors put forward the formula of the aluminous lightning arrester through the studying of the weather alongside the coast and probability of the intensity of the electric current of the lightning. The article brings out the theory based on the designing of the specifications of the aluminous lightning arrester in the field of vessel manufacturing and revising of the inspection standard of the lightning arrester on vessel. It throws light on the way of calculation of the specifications of the lightning arrester in China.

5. 找一篇關於沖擊電壓發生器或者沖擊電壓的英文論文

提前放電避雷針的工作原理就是產生一個比普通避雷針更加快的上行先導。 此描述基於負極性下行放電的情況下,此類放電形式最具有普遍性。
1、 單位應定期由專業防雷公司檢測防雷設施,評估防雷設施是否符合國家規范要求,比如:學校、公司、區級以上醫院、四星級以上賓館、城區內高度在45米以上的高層建築需兩年檢測一次。
2、 單位應設立防範雷電災害責任人,負責防雷安全工作,建立各項防雷安全工作,建立各項防雷設施的定期檢測,雷雨後的檢查和日常的維護。如雷雨過後,安裝在電話程式控制交換機、電腦等電器設備電源上和信號線上的過壓保護器應檢查有無損壞,發現損壞時應及時更換。
3、 建設單位在防雷設施的設計和建設時,應根據地質、土壤、氣象、環境、被保護物的特點,雷電活動規律等因素綜合考慮,採用安全可靠、技術先進、經濟合理的設計施工。
4、 應採用技術和質量均符合國家標準的防雷設備、器件、器材、避免使用非標准防雷產品和器件。
5、 新增加建設和新增加安裝設備應同時對防雷系統進行重新設計和建設,如:重新鋪設電腦網路線、室外天線的移位和加高等等都應該重新設計和建設防雷設施。
6、 雷災發生時應及時處理,採取措施,避免再次雷擊。
A 控制雷擊點(採用大保護范圍的避雷針)
B 安全引導雷電流入地網
C 完善的低阻地網
D 消除地面迴路
E 電源的浪涌沖擊防護
F 信號及數據線的瞬變保護
接閃就是讓在一定范圍內出現的閃電能量按照人們設計的通道泄放到大地中去。地面通信台站的安全在很大程度上取決於能不能利用有效的接閃裝置,把一定保護范圍的閃電放電捕獲到,納入預先設計的對地泄放的合理途徑之中。避雷針是一種主動式接閃裝置,其英文原名是Lightning Conctor,原意是閃電引導器,其功能就是把閃電電流引導入大地。避雷線和避雷帶是在避雷針基礎上發展起來的。採用避雷針是最首要、最基本的防雷措施。
4> 分流

6. 避雷器接地裝置英文怎麼寫

earthing of lightening arrester

7. 翻譯「閃電」!英語!謝謝

詳細說一下大家給的這兩個詞,lightning 是比較准確的閃電,當然如果你不較真可以用thunder。
lightning ['laitniŋ]
adj. 閃電的;快速的
n. 閃電
vi. 閃電
短語:lightning arrester避雷器;[電] 避雷針;避雷裝置;接閃裝置
lightning stroke[氣象] 雷擊;光射病;閃擊;雷電波
lightning protector避雷器;避雷裝置;閃電保裝置;避雷裝配
lightning arrestor避雷針;避雷器;過壓保險絲;負荷阻抗
lightning discharge雷閃放電;閃電放電;電閃放電;雷放電
Lightning McQueen閃電麥昆;閃電麥坤;麥奎恩;閃電王麥坤
Lightning Reflexes閃電反射;閃電反應;雷電反射;閃電迴避
Black Lightning黑色閃電;暗閃電
Lightning Marriage閃婚
例句:You see lightning and hear thunder.你會看到電閃,聽到雷鳴。
Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.閃電是由於雲的放電作用造成的。

thunder ['θʌndə]
n. 雷;轟隆聲;恐嚇
vi. 打雷;怒喝
vt. 轟隆地發出;大聲喊出
thunder and lightning 雷電;指責 
spring thunder 春雷 
thunder storm n. 雷雨 
bark out, bellow out
Blue Thunder藍色霹靂號;藍霹靂;藍轟雷;藍色霹靂
Desert Thunder沙漠驚雷;沙漠特遣隊;官方秘籍;沙漠雷霆
Thunder KanKan迅雷看看
Thunder Clap雷霆一擊;霆一擊
thunder cloud雷暴雲;雷雲;雷雲閃光;雷陣雲
Thunder Bike霹靂機車
例句:Suddenly, the men heard a sound like thunder. 突然間,這些人聽到如雷的聲響。
Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. 有時候會有夾著雷鳴閃電的暴風雨。

8. 求一篇有關變電站避雷設計的英文資料,3000字。如果帶有中文翻譯是最好不過的了。

最後,在本次畢業設計過程中還使涉及到了功能強大的Protel99 SE軟體的使用,並利用此軟體繪制了系統原理圖、印製線路板圖。

關鍵詞:單片機、溫度感測器、串列通信、抗干擾、Protel99 SE

First, the current design is based on graation MCU control systems. SCM introced to the main components of the monitoring system and the architecture, design and principle, the realization of the automatic control system, for the normal operation of equipment for the conditions. Secondly, The graation address system design used by the C8051F020 the performance and development of a comprehensive done presentation; Then right DS18B20 single-bus digital temperature sensor made of the performance; UART0 while on the way serial communication function and the analysis; Finally, SCM interference measurement system hardware and software design method also be discussed. The graate design major applications C8051F020 microcontroller as a core element in the analysis and design on the part of the circuit was introced. After repeated and the simulation running, debugging, revision, the final form of a complete set of proceres system. Practice has proved that the system stability, and they have the advantage of a simple hardware circuits, software functions, reliable control system, high cost performance, is practical and reference value. Finally, at the graation design process also involving the powerful Protel99 SE software use, and the use of this software mapping diagram of the system, the PCB plans.

Keywords : microcontroller, temperature sensor, serial communication, interference, Protel99 SE
單片機又稱單片微控制器,它不是完成某一個邏輯功能的晶元,而是把一個計算機系統集成到一個晶元上。概括的講:一塊晶元就成了一台計算機。它的體積小、質量輕、價格便宜、為學習、應用和開發提供了便利條件。同時,學習使用單片機是了解計算機原理與結構的最佳選擇。 單片機內部也用和電腦功能類似的模塊,比如CPU,內存,並行匯流排,還有和硬碟作用相同的存儲器件,不同的是它的這些部件性能都相對我們的家用電腦弱很多,不過價錢也是低的,一般不超過10元即可......用它來做一些控制電器一類不是很復雜的工作足矣了。我們現在用的全自動滾筒洗衣機、排煙罩、VCD等等的家電裡面都可以看到它的身影!......它主要是作為控制部分的核心部件。 它是一種在線式實時控制計算機,在線式就是現場控制,需要的是有較強的抗干擾能力,較低的成本,這也是和離線式計算機的(比如家用PC)的主要區別。 單片機是靠程序的,並且可以修改。通過不同的程序實現不同的功能,尤其是特殊的獨特的一些功能,這是別的器件需要費很大力氣才能做到的,有些則是花大力氣也很難做到的。一個不是很復雜的功能要是用美國50年代開發的74系列,或者60年代的CD4000系列這些純硬體來搞定的話,電路一定是一塊大PCB板!但是如果要是用美國70年代成功投放市場的系列單片機,結果就會有天壤之別!只因為單片機的通過你編寫的程序可以實現高智能,高效率,以及高可靠性! 由於單片機對成本是敏感的,所以目前占統治地位的軟體還是最低級匯編語言,它是除了二進制機器碼以上最低級的語言了,既然這么低級為什麼還要用呢?很多高級的語言已經達到了可視化編程的水平為什麼不用呢?原因很簡單,就是單片機沒有家用計算機那樣的CPU,也沒有像硬碟那樣的海量存儲設備。一個可視化高級語言編寫的小程序裡面即使只有一個按鈕,也會達到幾十K的尺寸!對於家用PC的硬碟來講沒什麼,可是對於單片機來講是不能接受的。 單片機在硬體資源方面的利用率必須很高才行,所以匯編雖然原始卻還是在大量使用。一樣的道理,如果把巨型計算機上的操作系統和應用軟體拿到家用PC上來運行,家用PC的也是承受不了的。 可以說,二十世紀跨越了三個「電」的時代,即電氣時代、電子時代和現已進入的電腦時代。不過,這種電腦,通常是指個人計算機,簡稱PC機。它由主機、鍵盤、顯示器等組成。還有一類計算機,大多數人卻不怎麼熟悉。這種計算機就是把智能賦予各種機械的單片機(亦稱微控制器)。顧名思義,這種計算機的最小系統只用了一片集成電路,即可進行簡單運算和控制。因為它體積小,通常都藏在被控機械的「肚子」里。它在整個裝置中,起著有如人類頭腦的作用,它出了毛病,整個裝置就癱瘓了。現在,這種單片機的使用領域已十分廣泛,如智能儀表、實時工控、通訊設備、導航系統、家用電器等。各種產品一旦用上了單片機,就能起到使產品升級換代的功效,常在產品名稱前冠以形容詞——「智能型」,如智能型洗衣機等。現在有些工廠的技術人員或其它業余電子開發者搞出來的某些產品,不是電路太復雜,就是功能太簡單且極易被仿製。究其原因,可能就卡在產品未使用單片機或其它可編程邏輯器件上。

翻譯是工具翻譯太多了:Single-chip, also known as single-chip microcontroller, it is not the completion of a logic function of the chip, but a computer system integrated into a chip. Speaking in general terms: a single chip has become a computer. Its small size, light weight, cheap, for the learning, application and development of facilities provided. At the same time, learning to use the principle of single-chip computer to understand and structure the best choice. Single-chip and computer use is also similar to the mole, such as CPU, memory, parallel bus, as well as the role and the same hard disk memory, is it different from the performance of these components are relatively weak in our home computer a lot, but the price is low, there is generally no more than 10 yuan ...... can use it to make some control for a class of electrical work is not very complex is sufficient. We are using automatic drum washing machines, smoke hood, VCD and so on inside the home appliances can see it's shadow! ...... It is mainly as part of the core components of the control. It is an online real-time control computer, control-line is at the scene, we need to have a stronger anti-interference ability, low cost, and this is off-line computer (such as home PC) The main difference. By single-chip process, and can be amended. Through different proceres to achieve different functions, in particular the special unique features, this is the need to charge other devices can do a great effort, some of it is also difficult to make great efforts to do so. A function is not very complicated if the United States the development of the 50's series of 74 or 60 ring the CD4000 series to get these pure hardware, the circuit must be a big PCB board! However, if the United States if the successful 70's series of single-chip market, the result will be different! Simply because the adoption of single-chip preparation process you can achieve high intelligence, high efficiency and high reliability! Because of the cost of single-chip is sensitive, so the dominant software or the lowest level assembly language, which is in addition to the lowest level for more than binary machine code of the language, since such a low-level so why should we use? Many of the senior's language has reached a level of visual programming Why is it not in use? The reason is simple, that is, single-chip computer as there is no home of CPU, also not as hard as the mass storage device. A visualization of small high-level language program, even if there is only one button which will reach the size of dozens of K! For the home PC's hard drive is nothing, but in terms of the single-chip microcomputer is unacceptable. Single-chip in the utilization of hardware resources have to do very high, so the compilation of the original while still in heavy use. The same token, if the computer giant's operating system and applications run up to get the home PC, home PC can not afford to sustain the same. It can be said that the twentieth century across the three "power" of the times, that is, the electrical era, the electronic age and has now entered the computer age. However, such a computer, usually refers to a personal computer, or PC. It consists of the host, keyboards, displays and other components. There is also a type of computer, not how most people are familiar with. This computer is smart to give a variety of mechanical single-chip (also known as micro-controller). As the name suggests, these computer systems use only the minimum of an integrated circuit to make a simple calculation and control. Because of its small size, are usually charged with possession of machine in the "belly" in. It in the device, like the human mind plays a role, it is wrong, the entire device was paralyzed. Now, this single chip has a very wide field of use, such as smart meters, real-time instrial control, communications equipment, navigation systems, and household appliances. Once a variety of procts with the use of the single-chip, will be able to play so that the effectiveness of proct upgrading, proct names often adjective before the word - "intelligent," such as washing machines and so intelligent. At present, some technical personnel of factories or other amateur electronics developers from engaging in certain procts, not the circuit is too complex, that is functional and easy to be too simple imitation. The reason may be the proct not on the cards or the use of single-chip programmable logic device on the other.

9. 求一關於「建築物防雷」的英文文獻最好外帶翻譯的~~

Building anti-radar design standard

First, the building anti-radar classifies the anti-radar building category which pointed out explicitly to the standard, may apply mechanically directly. In the standard to some buildings only pointed out that is bigger than estimate thunder stroke number of times XX/every year, but belongs to two kinds or three kind of anti-radar buildings. Regarding these stipulations, only depends on the direct-viewing feeling and the experience in the design, cannot determine explicitly its building respective anti-radar category, causes to make two kinds anti-radar to make three kinds by mistake, should make three kinds anti-radar, but has not done, the result is to the building which completes creates certain hidden danger. This has the necessity according to the local annual mean thunderstorm day and the building locus geography, the geological soil, the meteorological environment and so on concts the detailed research and makes the corresponding computation, determines the anti-radar rank.
For example: Under Jinan area Td=26.3 K=2 environment according to formula: N=0.024k · Td1.3 · Ae in the formula: N- building estimate thunder stroke number of times (/year) The K- correction factor (according to newly built building locus's geography, environment decides) Td- annual mean thunderstorm day Ae- and the building truncation receives the same thunder stroke number of times equivalent area (km2)
Calculates the length 100 meters, the width 25 meters, above two (H≥9 rice) the provincial level work building must make two kind of anti-radar. If through the computation, this kind of building actual does not make three kinds anti-radar or does not do is possible. From this sees, carries on the overall evaluation to some peculiar circumstance's building and makes the corresponding computation is very essential. the two, anti-radar electric inctions and the thunder electric waves invade the against long jab thunder the measure, the general layout personnel are very explicit. But, along with the technical development, electronic installation's popularization, the anti-radar electric inction and the thunder electric wave invasion must be clear in the design, and consummates graally forms an anti-radar network. when the 1. thunder and lightning inces - the thunder discharge, has the electrostatic inction and the electromagnetic inction on the nearby conctor, it possibly causes between the metal part to proce the spark. Therefore is protected in building's metal earth, is the anti-radar electric inction key measure. First, completes the equipotential joint. To one, two kind of anti-radar buildings in parallel or overlapping placing metal pipeline, when its clear distance is smaller than 100mm, should use Jin Shuxian to bridge, is prevents the potential difference which the electromagnetic inction creates to be able the small gap breakdown, but proces the electric spark, every other ≤30m completes the earth. the 2. thunder electric wave invasion - as a result of the thunder and lightning to the air line either the metal pipeline's function, the thunder electric wave possibly along these pipeline invasion room, endangers the personal safety or damages the equipment. Therefore, completes the terminal the anti-radar protection, completes the equalizing ring and against flank attack thunder is the anti-radar electric wave invasion key measure. First, two kind of anti-radar construction low pressure coil in entire line uses buries straight said that is built on stilts the line introces when the indoors many in a 15m section should trade the electric cable (metal armoring electric cable to bury straight, protective covering electric cable puts on steel pipe) the buyer, and is being built on stilts with the electric cable trades meets place completes the lightning protection protection. Two kind of anti-radar constructions work as the air line direct introction, besides in the residence place addition arrester, and completes the buyer installment iron stock the earth, approaches on building's two telephone pole's iron stock also to complete the earth, and the impact earth resistance ≤30Ω, all weak electricity coil in's protection should with the strong electricity coil. The anti-radar building must complete the equalizing ring and against flank attack thunder protection. Equalizing ring from three starts, between link vertical range ≤12m, all downleads, building's metal structure and the hardware reliably connects with the link, the equalizing ring may use in the structure grid's steel bar (steel bar to link up ring circuit). A kind anti-radar constructs above 30m, two kinds anti-radar construct above 45m, three kinds anti-radar construct above 60m, must complete against flank attack thunder protection, makes one week level along the building outer wall to evade the mine belt, between the belt and the belt the vertical range ≤6m, in the outer wall all metal parapet, the windows and doors with evade the mine belt to connect reliably, evade the mine belt to connect reliably again with the downlead. The vertical placing's metal pipeline and the metal peak and the bottom end and the antimine device reliable connection, the goal lies in the equipotential, because and the both sides connection causes it to form the parallel with the downlead, causes the thunder electric current news fast to enter. three, anti-radar electric currents after downlead and when grounding has the high electric potential completes against long jab thunder, the thunder electric wave invasion and the thunder and lightning to the hardware or electrical line counter-attack measure inces, is not a complete anti-radar design. Because, in the building mostly uses together the grounding at present, when thunder long jab in this building antimine device, the supposition flows through approaches the low pressure electric installation place grounding the thunder electric current is 20KA, when impact earth resistance =1Ω, in the grounding the electric potential elevates is 20KV, but the general indoor low pressure installment bears the striking potential most to be high is 8KV. Its result causes the low pressure electric installation insulation to be weak place is possibly penetrated creates the short circuit, has the fire, to damage the equipment, this is very dangerous. Therefore, gives the enough value in the design, realizes omni-directionally, the multi-level anti-radar networks to the anti-radar building, causes the thunder and lightning the influence to rece to the building is smallest.when building for high-pressured coil, high-pressured, the low pressure side each on supposes the arrester, with protects by the high-pressured coil in thunder and lightning and the operation (circuit breaker movement, throws cuts big electric motor and condenser bank and so on) the overvoltage. The electronic installation are many and the important construction, installs the overvoltage protection again in the low pressure power distribution branch, does for the reserve protection, mainly uses in further suppressing after the pretage protection limit on the surplus overvoltage and the power line the overvoltage which proces by the inction or the coupling.when building for low pressure coil, installs the overvoltage protector in the power source total coil in place. four, about meet dodges to meet dodges - the direct truncation the lightning rod which is struck by lightning, to evade the mine belt (line), the lightning protection network, as well as serves as the metal roofing which and the steel work meets dodges and so on. In many buildings, the roofing for on person roofing, is high to the artistic request, according to the conventional procere, clearly spreads the lightning protection network with the garden steel to do meets dodges is artistic on the influence, this standard to two kind of anti-radar buildings in two, three, eight, nine section of building pointed out that with in the reinforced concrete roofing, Liang, column's steel bar achievement meets suitably dodges, in the practical application, may use in the roofing parapet wall the capping steel bar to do meets dodges, is higher than the roofing each kind of iron stock to with the capping steel bar reliable welding (when construction must pay attention to coordination), the capping steel bar with makes in downlead's column four corner postsThe muscle completes the reliable electrical connection. This procere must have the concretes fragment which regularly to the thunder stroke the possibility creates or withdraw carries on the service. five, earth body - bury in the soil or the concrete foundation does drifts with the conctor about earth body the . In the practical application, the big project uses in the foundation the steel bar to make the earth body generally, and uses the union earth body, the earth resistance value to request slightly ≤1Ω. But in some have the basement, in half basement construction, at the construction uses the waterproofing material to construct the ledger wall to make waterproof processing. At present, uses the waterproofing material has the very good insulating property, therefore, makes the earthed pole directly to this kind of building using the foundation steel bar, had the possibility not to be able to satisfy the project docking earth resistance request, must direct from the column muscle downlead place, one week made in the closed artificial earth body and the foundation along the building slope protection outside the steel bar and uses, like this could achieve the satisfactory earth resistance value.
譯文: 建築物防雷設計規范

例如:在濟南地區Td=26.3 K=2的環境下
2.雷電波侵入—由於雷電對架空線或金屬管道的作用,雷電波可能沿著這些管線侵入屋內,危及人身安全或損壞設備。因此,做好進線端的防雷保護,做好均壓環及防側擊雷是防雷電波侵入的主要措施。 一、二類防雷建築低壓進線全線採用直埋地引入,將線路架空引入戶內時不少於15m的一段應換電纜(金屬鎧裝電纜直埋地,護套電纜穿鋼管)進戶,並在架空與電纜換接處做好避雷保護。二類防雷建築當架空線直接引入時,除在入戶處加裝避雷器,並將進戶裝置鐵件做好接地外,靠近建築物的兩根電桿上的鐵件也應做好接地,且沖擊接地電阻≤30Ω,所有弱電進線的保護應同強電進線。防雷建築要做好均壓環及防側擊雷保護。均壓環從三層開始,環間垂直距離≤12m,所有引下線、建築物的金屬結構和金屬設備均與環可靠連接,均壓環可利用結構圈樑內的鋼筋(鋼筋必須貫通成環路)。一類防雷建築30m以上,二類防雷建築45m以上,三類防雷建築60m以上,要做好防側擊雷保護,沿建築物外牆做一周水平避雷帶,帶與帶間垂直距離≤6m,外牆上所有金屬欄桿,門窗均與避雷帶可靠連接,避雷帶再與引下線可靠連接。豎直敷設的金屬管道及金屬物的頂端和底端與防雷裝置可靠連接,目的是在於等電位,並且由於兩端連接使其與引下線形成並聯線路,使雷電流更訊速的入地。


10. 和建築物防雷接地設計有關的規范有哪些

GB/T 21431-2015
現 行
英文名:Technical code for inspection of lightning protect
GB 50057-2010
現 行
英文名:Code for design protection of structures against l
GB 50601-2010
現 行
英文名:Code for construction and quality acceptance for l



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