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『壹』 儀器校驗通常分幾種,內校外校免校..那免校定義到底是什麼


『貳』 「儀器室」的英文翻譯是什麼

apparatus room
instrument room

『叄』 鍏充簬鍖葷枟鍣ㄦ版柟闈㈢殑璇存槑涔︾炕璇戱紙鑻辮錛夎烽珮鎵嬪府蹇欑炕璇戜笅錛侊紒錛侊紒錛佹ワ紒錛亊璋㈣阿澶у朵簡銆併

銆怭roct standards銆 II National 銆怣edical Devices Model銆 DJT-4A
銆怱pecification銆 To use instructions
1, diagnosis of disease Ways
鈶 diagnosis before the inspection apparatus and its attachment is in good condition.
Ways to check: Open the rear of the battery lid apparatus and 3 on the 5th into the battery (note the positive and negative electrodes) or by supporting a dedicated DC power supply voltage regulator.
With reference to Figure 1, the clinic line plug (10) inserted into the output jack (9), the DIP switch (8) assigned to "diagnose" position, then the output of the two clinics electrode line (11) then with , press the power switch (4), connected to power supply, power indicator light (5) light (green), diagnostic indicator light (3) light (green), continuous right-intensity button (鈻) increase the output signal, apparatus will be issued a warning sound, the diagnosis at the same time the indicator light from green to yellow with flashing alarm sound indicating the diagnosis of equipment functioning properly.
And then click the power switch, cutting off power supply.
鈶 inspection equipment and determine its diagnostic function to normal, the two output electrodes (11) were inserted into ring (13) and diagnosis of small holes in the pen (12) holes in the rear, and then ring sets in the patient who fingers up.
鈶 adjust benchmarks: first diagnosis of pen nib soft rection was attending at the "on suggestible" acupuncture points, (see Figure 11 and Figure 5). Press the power switch (4) connected to power, then the slow right-strength key point, increase the output to the yellow light flashing, intermittent alarm, as a "diagnosis benchmark" (such as the base tune too sensitive, you can tune the left bond strength (鈻) in order to rece the output, repeated increases and decreases in output, so that the benchmark to achieve the best state).
Note: Every time the diagnosis must be carried out before this step, according to intensity of keys should be careful not adjusted too high or too low, too high if the base tune, it will happen false positive, was not sick patient who will also appear everywhere alarm; when baseline adjusted too low, it will have to be an organ of a patient who is sick, but did not report to the police at the time of diagnosis of the phenomenon. Encounter the above situation must be re-adjusted benchmark, benchmarks, after a good tune and then the strength not to keys.

When a certain acupuncture points detection, sound and light alarm apparatus, the description with the corresponding acupuncture points or parts of organs have lesions or abnormal, alarm sound the alarm over the baseline diagnosis of the greater voice on the more serious disease, if there is no alarm sound, is illustrated in the acupuncture points correspond to organs or parts of the normal.
The time of diagnosis, patients were measured around our ears, the body left the Department of lesion often reflected on the right ear hole, right at the Ministry of the lesions will be reflected on the left Ear.
Intense activity, drink, hot days when there is sweat, not diagnosis. Diagnosis finished please shutdown, and output from the ring electrode and the diagnosis of T removed.

2, treatment of disease Ways
First dedicated instrument inserted into the DC voltage regulator or battery. And with reference to Figure 1, the treatment line (18) on the plug (10) inserted into the output jack (9), the other side of the two output electrodes, respectively, to insert ear plug mold, patches, foot molds and correct placement in the body or body parts protruding point on.
Press the power switch connected to power boot, with reference to Figure 6, the switch (8) under the "treatment" position, power indicator light 5. Press the right point and the slow intensity button, the corresponding indicator light treatment until the electrodes touch the skin there is a sense of閽堥夯(in order to be able to put up with and feel comfortable appropriate).
Treatment time: two to three times a day, each 20 to 30 minutes more every day the number would be better, the regular treatment, can dredge meridians, greatly enhance the immune system.
Treatment has finished, please turn off the power.
Keep this in mind: slowly adjust intensity should be small to large operations, to avoid sudden discomfort caused by excessive regulation.

『肆』 「儀器」翻譯成日語是什麼


裝置(そうち)、 設備(せつび)

『伍』 校準的英語翻譯 校準用英語怎麼說

儀器校準= calibration, calibration of the equipment.



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