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發布時間:2025-02-21 06:38:19

① LFS這個賽車游戲的全稱是什麼謝謝

LIVE FOR SPEED (為速度而生)(速度生活)


針對方向盤優化是這個游戲的一個初衷,游戲里方向盤調節非常細致GTforcepro可以在裡面用到900度功能。而且有一個選項可以讓方向盤和游戲里的同步。如果是普通的那種,也可以設置一個比例,讓方向盤前段幅度減小,後段增大,有利於操作。調教方面比較細致,雖然不能改裝,但是車輛需要調解的選項基本上都有了。還可以給每個座位添加乘客,來保持車輛平衡。調教方面相當專業~還有車輛會實時根據你所調整的參數做出反映,還有其他的可以改變車輛角度 彈跳測試等等(GT都沒這么強)畢竟是以模擬為主的游戲~~剛開始會比較難上手大。

現在提到賽車游戲,很多人都在為自己電腦的配置苦惱,再加上很多玩家自製的游戲不能對硬體做很好的優化,以至其期望值遠遠好於游戲的實際表現能力。這款游戲則不然,一些配置很低的電腦在運行這款游戲的時候也能有不錯的表現。比如我曾經用一台CPU:賽揚1G;內存:128M;顯卡:TNT2PRO32MWIN98se DX8.1的機器運行LFS DEMO 0.2,經過比較合理的設置,同時打開5輛車比賽也不會感到卡,而且畫面一樣好看,當然你的驅動程序也要選好才行。相信很多朋友都喜歡PS上的GT系列,在PC上卻苦於找不到一款稱心的游戲,那麼來試試LFS吧,經過一段時間的熟悉,我想你是不會失望的。

六月24日發布了完整的S2 ALPHA P(已升級至P2)


你將需要S2許可打開所有內容,或者S1許可打開最新S1內容。 S2用戶將能夠受益皮膚的自動下載,因此我們已向觀眾提供一個CMX幫助你提前製作皮膚。 S2用戶現能夠在:http://www.lfsworld.net/?page=skins 上傳20種個人的汽車皮膚和頭盔皮膚。請注意到RB4 LX4 LX6和UFR的模型將在最後的版本再一次被更新。

我們已決定將S2釋放在當前的Alpha版本中,許多測試和修正一直在繼續。 我們一直在舉行1到2個小時的中等的長度的各種各樣的不同的比賽,這是非常有趣的。



Further developed physics and multiplayer systems :進一步開發的物理及多人游戲系統
2 new single seater racing cars (not for the faint hearted) 兩個全新的單座賽車(不適合心臟脆弱人士)
3 GTR racing cars of around 500 bhp (keep your hair on) :3輛500馬力的GTR賽車(注意捆住你的頭發)
2 front wheel drive racing saloon cars :兩輛前輪驅動房車
2 sports cars, one rear and one mid engine :兩輛運動車,一輛後驅一輛中置
1 1000cc front wheel drive road car (where's that corner) :1輛1升排量的FR公路賽車。
Kyoto Ring, Japan - with an Oval configuration :日本京都賽道,帶有橢圓型賽道
Westhill, England - a high speed track :英國WESTHILL賽道,一條高速賽道。
Aston, England - long and short configurations :英國阿斯頓,包括了長距離和短距離兩種設置。
8 S1 cars with graphical and physical developments :新改進的圖形和物理屬性的8輛S1賽車。
3 updated S1 tracks (Blackwood, Fern Bay, South City) :3條改進了的S1賽道。
New objects added to the S1 Autocross arena :S1 AUTOCROSS區域被加入了新的物體。
Yellow Flag and Blue Flag warning systems :黃旗和藍旗系統
Various types of suspension with realistic motion :大量真實反應的懸掛系統
Support for symmetric and asymmetric setups :支持對稱和非對稱調校
Tyre wear, surface and and air temperatures :支持輪胎磨損,表面性質和溫度變化。
48 sampling spots per tyre allowing flat spots :48種運動輪胎
Simulated and visible tyre deformation :模擬可視的輪胎變形系統
Fuel usage, pit stops, speed limits and penalties :油耗,停站,速度限制以及處罰
F12 Pit instructions system to change strategy :F12鍵改變進站策略
F11 Live settings : anti roll bar and brake balance :F11鍵實時改變調教:比如防滾架和剎車平衡
And more...還有更多。。。
We are pleased to announce that there will be an important S2 update this month!

While we finish the patch, we will post some info and a picture or two about a new feature or update, each day.

The first new information that is revealed is about a new feature: Tyre Sidewalls


「Tyre Sidewalls :
Here are two pictures showing the new tyre sidewalls. Four manufacturers are selectable in the car setup screen. For now, the different manufacturers are selected only for graphical effect... Plain tyres are selected by default on the road cars.」


Aero physics improvements :
There were two main problems with the downforce calculations in previous S2 Alpha versions : (1) Leaning your car backwards could make the downforce aim slightly forwards, giving a noticeable rection in drag. This led to the "high nose exploit" and is clearly wrong. It has now been fixed so we won't see everyone using raised front suspension any more. (2) The rection in drag and downforce when slipstreaming was too severe and acted over the whole car equally, usually causing the loss of rear end grip if you drove too close behind another car in a corner. The effect has been reced significantly, and is different on the front and rear wings. You now expect to lose more grip on the front end, and not lose control of the car completely, so closer racing is now possible in the cars with downforce.

1> 把車頭抬高使得下壓力向量稍微向前方傾斜從而抵銷部分風阻,這顯然是錯誤的,這個Bug導致「抬頭調校」盛行,而在新版本中這個問題被修正
2> 尾流對下壓力和風阻的作用過於顯著導致如果和前車太近會令你的後輪抓地力大幅下降,這個現象在新版本中被大幅減弱,並且現在尾流獨立作用在在前後翼面上,使得前輪抓地下降得比後輪快,這樣車子不會完全失控。這一改動讓現在用帶下壓力的車型進行近距離賽車變得可能

Single seater dashboards :
Just a small graphical enhancement to show you today. Tyre and aero physics have been improved a lot recently. The slipstreaming improvements will make the single seater racing cars even more popular. So we spent a few hours making a special dashboard for the Formula XR and Formula V8.


Tyre physics :
The way the tyres perform is the most important thing about the behaviour of any vehicle. If the tyres are wrong, you might as well forget about your nice suspension, rigid chassis and all the rest of it!

For racing simulations too, tyres are the key to handling. They are also the toughest thing to get right. A rubber body reinforced with various materials, inflated with air, subjected to loads in various directions, heating, cooling, wearing out... it's a challenge! :)

We have been on the case recently to meet this challenge and make sure each tyre behaves as realistically as possible, and as well as possible, under all those varying conditions. The key points to how the car feels, are longitudinal behaviour (the way the tyres provide forces under acceleration or braking, which make them rotate at slightly - or greatly - different speeds compared with the car's motion) and lateral behaviour (the way the tyres provide forces under cornering, when their rolling direction is slightly - or greatly - different from their actual direction of motion). And finally, just how these forces are combined together when both of those are happening at the same time - accelerating out of a corner, braking into a corner, etc.

Live for Speed tyres have come on a long way recently. You can get the power down in a more controlled and realistic way. It's more fun to drive and after a small mistake, you are more likely to run wide and get yourself back on the line - losing a few seconds instead of losing the car completely.

對於賽車模擬器來說輪胎模擬是車輛操控的核心,同時也是最難作好的一環。由多種材料和橡膠組成、充滿空氣、承載各個方向的力、加熱、冷卻、磨損... 這真是個難題:)

Up close : the new Aston configs
Earlier this month we disclosed the addition of 2 new configurations of the Aston racetrack. Today's pictures will give you a good indication of what you can expect them to be like.



ftp://guest:[email protected]/PATCH/LFS_S2_ALPHA_U.zip

其他信息和下載詳見 http://bbs.srfc.com.cn/



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