❶ (譽延基五金製品有限公司)用英語怎麼翻譯
Jiangsu jinhui hardware procts Co., LTD Jiangsu Jinhui Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
❷ 請教「五金製品」的英文翻譯。
Hardware 不客氣 採納就可以了
❸ 五金製品表面處理方式英文,請提供全面一點的,謝謝! 比如抗氧化,洗白 ,鍍鎳,鹼洗,電鍍等!
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Surface Treatment Code Method and Application Surface Condition
No.1 This is a proct that has undergone annealing and pickling treatment after hot rolling. It is used in cold rolling materials, instrial tanks, and instrial chemical devices.
No.2D No. 2D is a non-glossy cold-rolled proct that has undergone annealing and pickling treatment after cold rolling. Used in petrochemical plants, automobile parts, building materials, and pipes.
No.2B No. 2B is the type that had skin-pass (temper-rolling) performed on No.2D. It has better gloss and surface flatness compared to No.2D. It is the standard surface class with improved mechanical properties. It is applicable for almost all uses.
No.3 No. 3 is polished with 100~120 mesh abrasive. It has a variety of uses including building exterior and interior, casings for various kinds of home appliances, and kitchen installations.
No.4 No. 4 is polished with 150~180 mesh abrasive. Compared to No.3, this proct has a finer abrasion condition. Its surface is an attractive silvery-white and is used for bathtubs, building exterior and interior,and food instry.
BA BA is bright and highly reflective surface proced by bright annealing after cold rolling. BA is used in home appliances, small-sized mirrors, kitchenware, building materials and others that require reflective properties.
HL HL is a type of surface with continuous striped pattern acquired by polishing the surface with No.4 abrasive. It is widely used for building exterior and interior. HL is also used in sashes and doors.
Dull Dull surface is matte finish proced by recing gloss from No.2B and creating roughness on the surface. It is widely used in building exterior and interior, roofing and elevators that require reced light reflection.
表面 特徵 製造法概要 用途
NO.1 銀白色,無光澤 熱軋到規定厚度,再經退火和除鱗的一種粗糙、無光表面 不需要有表面光澤的用途
NO.2D 銀白色 冷軋後進行熱處理和酸洗,有時在毛面輥進行最終的一道輕軋的一種無光表面加工 2D產品用於對表面要求不嚴的用途,一般用材,深沖用材
NO.2B 光澤強於NO.2D NO.2D處理後,經過拋光輥進行最終一道輕度冷軋,以取得適當光澤。這是最常用的表面加工,該加工也可作為拋光的第一步。 一般用材
BA 光亮如鏡 無標准,但通常是光亮退火的表面加工,表面反射性很高。 建築材料,廚房用具
NO.3 粗研磨 將NO.2D和NO.2B材,用100~200#(單位)的砥粒研磨帶,進行研磨 建築材料,廚房用具
NO.4 中間研磨 將NO.2D和NO.2B材,用150~180#砥粒研磨帶進行研磨而獲得的拋光表面,這是通用的,有鏡面反射的帶有可見『晶粒』的光亮表面 同上
NO.240 細研磨 將NO.2D和NO.2B材,用240#砥粒研磨帶進行研削 廚房用具
NO.320 極細研磨 將NO.2D和NO.2B材,用320#砥粒研磨帶進行研削 同上
NO.400 光澤接近於BA
將NO.2B材,用400#拋光輪進行研削 一般用材,建築用材,廚房用具
HL 發紋研磨 適當粒子大小的研磨材料進行發紋研削(150~240#)其砥粒很多 樓房,建築用材
NO.7 接近於鏡面研磨 用600#回轉拋光輪進行研磨 美術用,裝飾用
NO.8 鏡面研磨 鏡子用拋光輪進行磨
❹ "五金製品廠"的英文翻譯是
五金製品廠:【Metal procts Factory】
❺ XX五金製品有限公司,用英語怎麼說
xx Hardware Co., Ltd.
❻ 」五金製品有限公司「 英文名稱怎樣翻譯更恰當
」五金製品有限公司「 英文:Hardware Proct Co., Ltd.
Proct 讀法 英['prɒdʌkt]美['prɑdʌkt]
n. 產品;結果;[數] 乘積;作品
1、 information產品信息
2、aquatic proct水產品
3、gross domestic proct (GDP)國內生產總值
4、proct line生產線;產品線;產品系列
5、proct performance產品性能
proct, manufacture, proction, proce這組詞都有「產品,製品」的意思,其區別是:
❼ XX五金製品有限公司,用英語怎麼說
XX hardware procts co., LTD
❽ 幫我翻譯「健富塑膠五金製品(東莞)有限公司 要英文 不要網頁和機器翻譯的
Jianfu Plastic & Metal Procts (Dongguan) Co.; Ltd.
❾ 衛浴五金製品有限公司英文怎麼寫
Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.
1. 清潔的, 衛生的, 保健的2. 衛生的;環境衛生的;公共衛生的
1. Zhejiang Cixi Deli Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.
2. The transmitter『s flush mount, stainless steel design offers stability in harsh sanitary washdown conditions.
❿ 請問可立五金製品有限公司的英文怎麼說
Keli Hardwares Co., Ltd