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Ⅰ b站怎麼知道彈幕的發送者





bilibili目前擁有動畫、番劇、國創、音樂、舞蹈、游戲、知識、生活、娛樂、鬼畜、時尚、放映廳等 15 個內容分區,生活、娛樂、游戲、動漫、科技是B站主要的內容品類並開設直播、游戲中心、周邊等業務板塊。


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Ⅱ 機電類畢業論文

數碼顯示搶答器設計論文編號:JD996 論文字數:11744,頁數:27 有開題告和任務書摘要
關鍵字:搶答器 數碼顯示 搶答電路 定時電路
The twenty-first century has already entered brand-new information society times,The information society is based on electronic technology,It is very strong one practicality technology subjects.It already goes deep into each fields arriving at life with the development of electron technology , rush to reply an implement neither exception.
Rush to reply an implement the technology by be put into use commonly, and each aspect is already already very mature.With the fact that the numerical code coming out , science and technology swiftness and violence develop,one kind applying digital display to the necessity rushing to reply the implement already is to develop , being also to rushing to reply the implement is functional improves and perfects and supplements. Background designing that the contest is with intelligence and knowledge this time, the preferential display designing that one has being able to rushes to reply the person group number and effluence noise warn of , blockade at the same time rushing forming other to reply functional rushing replies an implement. Come to be completed the technology this time, designing that we can pass the monolithic machine by investigation and study or making use of digital-analog electricity knowledge electron. The monolithic machine thinks that cost of construction is high to monolithic machine although having merit such as intellectualized , weave Cheng , the programming is difficult to wait for problem , our to decide to be completed with standing separately coming the component. We make use of partiitoning to be completed , connected synthetical method designs that respectively to rushing to reply the part , control section , audio part , direct-current stabilivolt power source part are in progress. By testing , linking finally after every piece function has no problem, assembling , synthetical debugging,entire ultimate design can realize anchorperson replacement zero clearing , the first grab the be distinguished and lock exist replying a signal , display is grabbed replying the person group number , issue the buzz sound waiting for a function , satisfy design demand.
Keywords: rushes to reply implement digital display rushes to reply
the circuit timing circuit

第1章 緒論 1
第2章 方案選擇 1
2.1 兩種方案簡介 2
2.2 方案選擇 2
第3章 設計思路框圖 3
第4章 設計過程 4
4.1 搶答部分 4
4.1.1 搶答按鈕及編碼部分 4 按鈕輸入電路設計 4 編碼部分設計 4
4.1.2 鎖存與解碼顯示部分 7 解碼器設計 7 LED數碼管簡介 10 74LS279觸發器簡介 11
4.2 控制部分 14
4.3 音響電路 15
4.3.1 555定時器簡介 16
4.3.2 電路圖及工作原理 17
4.4 穩壓電源部分 17
4.4.1 三端集成穩壓器簡介 17
4.4.2 橋式整流,電容濾波電路 18
4.4.3 直流穩壓電源 19
第5章 工作原理說明及焊接調試 20
5.1 工作原理說明 20
5.2 元器件的焊接 20
5.3 電路的調試 22
第6章 元器件清單 23
第7章 總結 24
參考文獻 25
致謝 26
附錄A電路全圖 28以上回答來自: http://www.lwtxw.com/html/42-6/6474.htm

Ⅲ 視頻太大怎麼進行壓縮變小

1-換視頻格式,視頻格式不同佔用空間不同,但是省空間了,視頻質量要下降的。【常用視頻格式:●AVI格式●DV-AVI格式●MPEG格式 ·MPEG-1---MPEG-4... ...】



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