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发布时间:2021-02-07 07:46:38

❶ 在电动阀门上TS0,LS0,LSC,CSP是什么意思



❷ 阀门泄漏等级

符合 ANSI/FCI 70-2 和 IEC 60534-4

❸ 阀门的CSO,TSO是什么意思

TSO:Tight Shut Off  无泄漏关闭

CSO:car sealed open 在开启状态下(铅)封住

❹ eye lift里的lift是什么意思

我也在搜 瑞士元素 的eye lift cream 被推荐答案雷到了。。。
EYE-lift 是眼部紧致 的意思

❺ 哪位大哥有特气气柜中各阀门的英文缩写代表的意思谢谢!

你好,我就来是从事这方面自的工作的。sv是手动阀,av是气动阀,reg是调压阀,efs是过流遮断器, pt是数字显示器(功能就和压力表一样) vg是真空发生器,cv是逆止阀。。。。。。 (LPT,HPT ,HPG,LPG)这四个是差不多的只不过是数显压力计和指针式压力表,GNBV动源氮气手阀,PNBV低压氮气手阀 VPT是测量vent的数显压力计,还有很多,有什么需要帮忙的尽管说!呵呵,分给我拉。---河北廊坊 又给你补充了

❻ 汽车中的hva是什么意思

HVA是一般民用版汽车使用的液压阀系统在赛车中,这是一种赛车用配件系统能带来两个好处,第一是可减低发动机表现的偏差,可达百分之三;第二是不再需要向活瓣作出调节,直接节省成本。The invention relates to a hydraulic valve-play compensation element. 该发明涉及液压阀系统。 The aim is to prevent any change in the length from taking place when the engine is at a standstill.这样做的目的是防止发动机处于停滞时长度发生改变。 To this end, the leakage oil is guided into the space between the high pressure valve 4 and the valve 5, where it then reinforces the sealing effect of said valve 为此,泄漏的汽油将导入之间的空间高压阀阀4和阀5 ,然后强化它的密封效果说。 When the engine is in operation, the valve 4 is kept open irrespective of the direction of throughflow by means for procing a defined force, for example a pressure-loaded piston or by electromagnetic means.当发动机在运行时,阀门4 ,不论是保持开放的方向穿越的方式确定的生产力量,例如压力负载活塞或电磁手段

❼ DDR内存是什么意思高手指教






1: HY代表是现代的产品

2:内存芯片类型:(57=SDRAM,5D=DDR SDRAM);


4:芯片容量和刷新速率:16=16Mbits、4K Ref;64=64Mbits、8K Ref;65=64Mbits、4K Ref;128=128Mbits、8K Ref;129=128Mbits、4K Ref;256=256Mbits、16K Ref;257=256Mbits、8K Ref

5: 代表芯片输出的数据位宽:40、80、16、32分别代表4位、8位、16位和32位


7:I/O界面:1 :SSTL_3、 2 :SSTL_2



10:内存芯片封装形式:JC=400mil SOJ,TC=400mil TSOP-Ⅱ,TD=13mm TSOP-Ⅱ,TG=16mm TSOP-Ⅱ

11:工作速度:55 :183MHZ、5 :200MHZ、45 :222MHZ、43 :233MHZ、4 :250MHZ、33 :300NHZ、L:DDR200、H: DDR266B、 K:DDR266A




2、内存芯片类型:4表示DDR SDRAM


4、工作电压:H=DDR SDRAM,3.3V、L=DDR SDRAM,2.5V

5、内存密度组成:4:4Mbit、8:8 Mbit、16:16 Mbit、32:32 Mbit、64:64 Mbit、12:128 Mbit、25:256 Mbit、51:512 Mbit

6、芯片容量和刷新速度:0:64m /4K [15.6μs]、1:32m/2K [15.6μs]、2:128m/8K [15.6μs]、3:64m/8K [7.8μs]、4:128m/16K [7.8μs]



9、表示封装类型:T:66针TSOP II、B:BGA、C:微型BGA(CSP)


Micron DDR内存

Micron公司是世界上知名内存生产商之一,其SDRAM芯片编号格式为:MT48 ab cdMef Ag TG-hi j


2、代表产品种类:48=SDRAM、4=DRAM、46=DDR SDRAM、6=Rambus

3、代表处理工艺:C=5V Vcc CMOS,LC=3.3V Vdd CMOS,V=2.5V Vdd CMOS



8、代表封装:TG=TSOPⅡ封装,DJ=SOJ,DW=宽型SOJ,F=54针4行FBGA,FB=60针8*16 FBGA,FC=60针11*13 FBGA,FP=反转芯片封装,FQ=反转芯片密封,F1=62针2行FBGA,F2=84针2行FBGA,LF=90针FBGA,LG=TQFP,R1=62针2行微型FBGA,R2=84针2行微型FBGA,U=μ BGA






3、代表内存种类:S=普通SDRAM,R=Rambus SDRAM,W=DDR SDRAM




7、代表封装:FT为TSO II封装


9:、代表速度:75=7.5ns〔133MHz〕,80=8ns〔125MHz〕,10=10ns〔100MHz CL=3



2、代表显存类型:98为SDRAM,94为DDR RAM




❽ 要求TSO的阀门如何实现


❾ 取源管是做什么用的需要翻译成英语,但是不明白是什么意思

" H B1 g1 M# n1)、一般规定) ~" l; x1 g' ^: e5 U6 v4 i
* j/ f6 H6 N# J: ^" Xa)、 在管道和设备上开孔时,应采用机械加工方法。在混凝土构筑物上安装的取源部件应在砌筑或浇注的同时埋入或预留安装孔0 m3 P5 M) w1 E$ n$ u6 L6 c
b)、 安装取源部件不宜在焊缝及其边缘上开孔及焊接。取源阀门与设备或管道的连接不宜采用卡套式接头。/ W& l+ }% N- U
c)、 被取源介质需要连续流动时,取源头部应在逆水流方向切斜口。取源位置的流速不够时,应加装增压装置。
. N, I# v! |, m2 X, Q5 Od)、取源位置须具有代表性,即应取流体的中央部分,并应尽量靠近分析仪表,以保证取源水样分析的即时性。
0 X6 m8 v" w3 Be)、 取样管一般为PVC、PPR类塑料管。
' O" w1 y9 c( z7 m2 cf)、仪表的安装位置,应符合下列规定:& p2 n; J6 k9 e0 s e2 r) a
(1) 光线充足,操作维修方便;不宜安装在振动、潮湿、易受机械损伤、有强磁场干扰、高温、温度变化剧烈和有腐蚀性气体的地方,安装在室外的仪表应采取相应的防曝晒、防水、防潮、防冻措施。5 a. {4 V2 c/ _& r4 ]" }) V
(2) 仪表的安装位置应选在便于检查、维修、拆卸,通风良好,且不影响人行和邻近设备安装与解体的场所。其中心距地面的高度宜为1.2~1.5m。
3 _& o6 ~8 {! m+ y! ^(3) 就地安装的显示仪表应安装在手动操作设备时便于观察仪表示值的位置。5 B; V9 V: c' h" \
(4) 仪表安装前应外观完整、附件齐全,并按设计规定检查其型号、规格及材质。: a4 O# Q( u# n9 x5 P5 R9 @3 O
g)、 仪表安装时不应敲击或振动,安装后应牢固、平整。 设计规定需要脱脂的仪表,应经脱脂检查后方可安装。
7 Z8 X* g$ @, h1 U" r9 x) `5 `' ch)、直接安装在管道上的仪表,宜在管道吹扫后压力试验前完成,仪表与管道连接时,仪表上法兰的轴线应与管道轴线相一致。固定时应使其受力均匀。安装完毕后,应随同系统一起进行压力试验。 _1 I' \# J' J
i)、 仪表及电气设备上接线盒的引入口不应朝上,避免杂质进入盒内,当不可避免时,应采取密封措施。
' S* j( C, B# r) Z7 {: cj)、 仪表和电气设备标志牌上的文字及端子编号等,应书写正确、清楚。& y4 L7 W m6 ?+ ?( N8 R
k)、 对于需用管道进行采样的仪表,一般情况下都应装有旁通管和旁通阀,并在保证仪表有足够采样源的前提下把旁通阀开到最大,以保证取样源的瞬时性。
- ~+ `$ P) z1 F# x9 p! @: R3 X$ P2)、 温度取源部件及温度仪表的安装
" w6 o6 {' C- @# o- a. j2.7、 温度取源部件的安装位置应选在介质温度具有代表性的地方,不宜选在阀门等阻力部件的附近和介质流速呈死角处。热电偶取源部件的安装位置,宜远离强磁场。
- C. k" N- b; n! |1 I2.8、 温度取源部件在管道上的安装应符合下列规定:6 ^) h9 K3 V! s/ S# T- I
(1) 与管道垂直安装时,取源部件轴线应与管道轴线垂直相交。
0 K8 N7 k0 g C/ |. h- D% N(2) 在管道的拐弯处相交时,宜逆着介质流向,取源部件轴线应与管道轴线相重合。; G6 s& N7 f& O8 v1 w
(3) 与管道倾斜相交时,宜逆着介质流向,取源部件轴线应与管道轴线相交。9 l4 m- a" @+ W, @* l
2.9、 热电偶或热电阻应安装在易受被测介质强烈冲击的地方,当水平安装其插入深度大于1m时,应采取防弯曲措施。

Source components and instrumentation installationIn 1, the source components and instrumentation installation" H B1G1M N1), # general provisions ) ~" L; X1G: E5U6V4I '^Source for mounting of components, and civil construction, equipment installation at the same time, the source components of the open hole and the welding work, should be in the pipeline or equipment of the anti-corrosion, lining, purging and pressure test before.* J / F6H6N J: ^ Xa #" ), in the pipeline and equipment on the open hole, should adopt mechanical processing method. In concrete structures are mounted on the source parts should be in a masonry or casting while buried or reserved installing hole0 m3P5M ) W1E $n $U6L6CB ), installation source components should not be in the weld and cutout on the edge and welding. Take the source valve and equipment or pipeline connection should not be used connector. / W& L + } % N - UC ), with source medium need continuous flow, a source head should be in inverse flow direction oblique mouth. Source location velocity is not enough, should install the supercharging device.N, v. I #! |, M2X, Q5Od ), the source position shall be representative, shall take the fluid in the central portion, and should be as close as possible to the analysis instrument, to guarantee a source analysis of water samples immediately.0 X6M8V W3Be" ), a sampling tube for general PVC, PPR plastic pipe.'O" W1Y9C ( z7M2CF ), instrumentation installation position, should meet the following requirements: & P2n; J6K9E0s E2R ) a(1) adequate light, convenient repair operation; not installed in the vibration, moisture, is susceptible to mechanical damage, a strong magnetic field interference, high temperature, temperature changes violently and corrosive gases, mounted on the exterior of the instrument should adopt corresponding anti insolation, waterproof, moisture-proof, antifreezing measures. 5 a. {4V2C / _ & R4]" } ) V(2) instrumentation installation location should be in for inspection, repair and disassembly, good ventilation, and does not influence the pedestrian and the adjacent equipment installation and the disintegration of the place. The height above the ground should be 1.2~ 1.5m.3_ & O6~ 8+ y ^ {! M! (3) installed in the meter should be installed in the manual operation device for observation instrument indication position. 5 B; V9V : C 'H" \(4) the instrument before installation should complete appearance, accessories complete, and according to the design rules check their models, specifications and materials. : A4O Q u N9X5# # ( P5R9@ 3 OG ), instrumentation installation should not beat or vibration, after installation should be firm, smooth. Design of the instrument should be required to skim, skim through check before installation.7 Z8X * g $ @ H1U," R9x ) ` 5 ` ` CH ), directly installed on the pipe instrument, preferably in the conit purge after pressure test before completion, instrument and conit connection, instrument flange axis and axis of the pipeline should be consistent. Fixed should ensure even force. After installation, should be accompanied with pressure testing system. _1 I ' J ' J #I ), instrumentation and electrical equipment wiring box into the mouth should not face, avoid impurities into the box, when unavoidable, should adopt sealing measures.'S * J ( C, B R Z7# ) {: CJ ), instrumentation and electrical equipment and signs on the text and the terminal number, should be correct, clear writing. & Y4L7W M6( N8R? +?K ), to use pipeline sampling instrument, under normal circumstances should be fitted with a bypass pipe and by-pass valve, and ensure the instrument has sufficient sampling source under the premise of the by-pass valve to maximum, to ensure that the sample source transient.- ~ +, $P ) Z1F x9P #! @: R3X $P2), temperature source components and temperature instrumentation installation" W6O6{'C - O - a . J2.7@ # temperature source, the installation position of the components used in the medium temperature representative place, not selected in the valve resistance components and medium velocity is near the corner. Thermocouple source component mounting position, should be away from the strong magnetic field.C . K" N - B I2.8,1; n! | temperature source component in piping installation shall comply with the following provisions:6 ^ ) H9K3V! S / S # T - I(1) and the pipe installation, source member axis extending perpendicularly to the axis and pipeline.0 K8N7K0g C h D% N / |. (2) in the pipeline at the corner of the intersection, advised against medium flows, source member axis axis coincident with pipeline. ; G6s& N7f& O8V1w(3) and the pipe inclined intersect, advised against medium flows, source components and pipeline axis intersects the axis. 9 L4m a" @ W, @ LIn 2.9, a thermocouple and thermal resistance should be installed in the vulnerable to the measured medium and strong impact to the local, when installed horizontally, the insertion depth is larger than 1m, measures should be taken to prevent bending.

I can't understand your question, but I got some messages from , I hope that it could help you a little! Thinks!!!



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