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发布时间:2024-10-21 23:27:36

⑴ 求助!机械工程专业英语翻译,急!!

1. The four-bar linkage may take form of a so-called crank-rocker or a double-rocker or a double-crank (drag-link) linkage, depending on the range of motion of the two links connected to the ground link. The input crank of a crank-rocker type can rotate continuously through 360, while the output link just "rocks" (or oscillates). As a particular case, in a parallelogram linkage, where the length of the input link equals that of the output link and the lengths of the coupler and the ground link are also the same, both the input and output link may rotate entirely around or switch into a crossed configuration called an antiparallelogram linkage. [1] Grashof's criteria states that the sum of the shortest and longest links of a planar four-bar linkage cannot be greater than the sum of the remaining two links if there is to be continuous relative rotation between any two links.

2. Besides having knowledge of the extent of the rotations of the links, it would be useful to have a measure of how well a mechanism might "run" before actually building it. Hartenberg mentions that "run" is a term that means effectiveness with which motion is imparted to the output link; it implies smooth operation, in which a maximum force component is available to proce a force or torque in an output member. Although the resulting output force or torque is not only a function of the geometry of the linkage, but is generally the result of dynamic or inertia force, which are often several times as large as the static force. For the analysis of low-speed operations or for an easily obtainable index of how any mechanism might run, the concept of the transmission angle is extremely useful. During the motion of a mechanism, the transmission angle changes in value. A transmission angle of 0 degree may occur at a specific position, on which the output link will not move regardless of how large a force is applied to the input link. In fact, e to friction in the joints, the general rule of thumb, is to design mechanisms with transmission angle of larger than a specified value. Matrix-based definitions have been developed which measure the ability of a linkage to transmit motion. The value of a determinant (which contains derivatives of output motion variables with respect to an input motion variable for a given linkage geometry[2] ) is a measure of the movability of the linkage in a particular position.

1 。在四连杆机构的形式可以采取所谓的曲柄摇杆或双摇杆或双曲柄(拖放链接)联系,取决于各种运动的两个链接连接到地面的联系。输入曲柄的曲柄摇杆式可旋转不断通过360 ,而输出链接“岩石” (或振荡) 。作为一个特殊情况,在一个平行四边形的联系,在那里的长度等于投入的联系,在输出的联系和长度,耦合器和地面的联系也相同,都输入和输出的联系完全可以左右转动或切换成一个越过配置称为antiparallelogram联系。 [ 1 ]格拉斯霍夫的标准规定的总和最长和最短的联系,平面四连杆机构不能加一大于二剩下的两个环节,这样才能不断相对旋转任意两个之间的联系。

2 。除了知识的程度轮换的联系,这将是有益的措施以及如何可能的机制“运行”建设之前,实际上它。 Hartenberg提到, “运行”是一个术语,是指有效地传授运动的输出环节;这意味着顺利运作,其中最大力量的组成部分提供给生产武力或转矩输出成员。虽然由此产生的输出力或力矩不仅是一个函数的几何的联系,但通常是由于动态或惯性力,这往往是几次大的静力。分析的低速业务或容易获得的一个指数如何运行机制可能,概念的传动角是极为有益的。在运动的机制,传动角的变化值。传输角度0度,可能会发生在某一特定的位置,而输出的联系将不会不管多么大的力量适用于输入链接。事实上,由于摩擦的关节,一般的经验法则,是设计与传输机制的角度大于某一特定值。矩阵为基础的定义,已经制定的措施的能力联系转交议案。价值的一个决定因素(其中包含衍生品的输出变量的议案方面投入的议案变量对某一连锁几何[ 2 ] )是衡量的可移动的联系在一个特定的立场。

⑵ 机械工程英语翻译

Historically,this novel principle first came into being here in the United States in 1920,
when Frederick Taylor supoortsd the idea of grouping that required special operations.
在Frederick Taylor提出需要特殊操作的分组的想法的时候。
He was followed by the Jones and Lamson Machine Company in the early 1920s,
这一想法在19世纪20年代初得到了约翰.兰逊机械公司的支持,which used a crude form of group tecnology to build machine tools.
Today,group technology is implemented through the application of well-structured classification and coding systems and supporting software to take advantage of the similarities of components.
Reasons for adopting Group Technology
Modern manufacturing instries are racing a lot of challenges caused by growing international competition and fast-changing market demands.
These challenes,which are exemplified in the following list,have been and can be successfully met by group technology:
As a result of the first factor,the conventional shop organization(i.e.,departmentalization by process) is becoming very inefficient and obsolete bacause of the wasteful routing paths of the procts between the various machine tool departments.
There is a need integrate the design and manufacturing phases in order to cut short the lead time,thus winning a competitive situation in the international market.
问题补充:(1)Benefits in proct desing. Concerning design of procts,the principal benefit of group technology is that it enables proct designer to avoid “reinventing the wheel”, or plicating engineering efforts. In other words, it eliminates the possibility of desiging a proct that was previously designed because it facilitates storage and easy retrieval of engineering designs.

If the exact part design is not included in company’s computerized files, a design close enough to the required one can be retrieved and modified in order to satisfy the requirements.A further advantage of group technology is that it promotes standardization of design features, such as corner radii, chamfers,and the like, thus leading to the standardization of proction tools and work-holding devices.

⑶ 机械工程专业英语翻译,在线等


A thermocouple converts temperature to an output voltage which can be read by a voltmeter.
总之就是用词不规范,另外这个应该是电器专业英语。如果你想要专业词语,也就那些单个词(传感器Transcer 模数转换器ADC 脉冲计数器Pulse counters 等等算是凑合,解释的说法就可以无视了。)

System interpretation of process data. The three categories of manufacturing process date must be capable of interacting with the computer. For monitoring theprocess,input data must be entered into the computer.for controlling the process, output data must be generated by the computer and converted into signals understandable by the manufacturing process. There are six categories of computer-process interface representing the inputs and outputs for the three types of process data. These categories are:

Analog to digital
Contact input
Pulse counters
Digital to analog
Contact output
Pulse generators

Analog-to-digital interfacing involves transforming real-valued
signals into digital representations of their mangnitude. A number of
different steps must be accomplished to affect this conversion process. These steps involve the following hardware:

1) transcers, which convert a measurable process characteristic (flow rate, temperature,process,etc.)into electrical voltage levels corresponding in magnitude to the state of the characteristic of the process measured. A thermocouple is an example of a device in this category. It converts temperature into a small voltage level.

2) Signal conditioners,which filter random electrical noise and smooth the analog signal emanating from transcing devices.

3) Multiplexers,which connect several process-monitoring devices to the analog-to-digital converter(ADC). Each process signal is sampled at periodic intervals and passed on to the converter.

4) Amplifiers scale the incoming signal up or down to the range of the analog-to-digital converter being used.

5) The analog-to-digital converter transforms the incoming real-valued process signals into their digital equivalents.

6) The digital computer”s I/O section accepts the digital signals from the ADC. A limit comparator is often connected between the I/O sections and the ADC to prevent out-of-limit signals from distracting the CPU

⑷ 机械工程英语翻译

mechanical engineering机械工程;机械工程学

⑸ 机械工程及其自动化专业 用英语怎么说

mechanical engineering and automatic major

⑹ 机械工程英语翻译

16th, with the data which publishes has carried on these experimental result the comparison.
17th, takes the above parameter the reference.
18th, the analysis method rests on the Maxwell equation.
19th, proposed one processing hard material new method
20, the conclusion is: This new method may apply in the engineering design
21, the apply theory to reality is important.
22nd, this pipe is “” the shape.
23rd, this work piece upside is a cone.
24th, the worker puts from infancy to maturity the end proct a row, small places the big left side.
25th, this weather station happen to is located the city south side.
26th, the gear installs in axis middle, nearby two is loaded with the bearing.
27th, this hard box length 5.1 meters, width 3 meters, height 2 meters.Its surface area probably has 62 square meters, the volume precise value is 30.6 cubic meters.
28th, regarding the quality which assigns, the acceleration and the strength is proportional.
29th, regarding the strength which assigns, the acceleration and the quality is in reverse proportion.
30th, regarding the strength which assigns, the quality is smaller, the acceleration is quicker.

⑺ 机械工程学院 用英语怎么说

School of Mechanical Engineering机械工程学院(SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING)是西南交通大学历史最为悠久的院系之一,其前身为唐山路矿学堂机械科,始建于1919年。



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